Register for my FREE Google Classwork workshop. You will need a personal Google account to join the Google Classroom. Start with assignment #001 and move onto #002 etc… Experience Google Classroom as a student! This will be the most valuable part of the experience.
With your FREE Schoolytics teacher account, STUDENTS also get FREE accounts! Students can see their Google Classroom progress across all of their classes! Have students go to and login with their Google account. They will be able to see all of their classes they are a student in.
Dashboard for Students
After logging in students will see a dashboard of information across all of their classes. Notice the filters at the top default to the last 30 days and ALL of their classes. Students can click on these to filter to see if they are improving over the last week.
Unified Missing Assignments List
Right on the dashboard students can see one list of missing assignments for all of their classes (on the date range.) Students can also click on “Missing Assignments” on the left hand side.
3 Dots for Missing Assignments Report
The 3 dots on any table will allow students to export the reports in a variety of formats. Save to Drive exports the list of assignments to a Google Doc. Alternatively, students can export their missing assignments list to Google Sheets. Either way this will help students to take ownership of their missing work across all classes to help them get caught up.
Missing Assignment Notifications
Notice the BELL next to the 3 dots. On any table with this notifications bell students can sign up to receive weekly notifications. In this particular case, students would receive an email notification of any missing assignments. This is a list of all their missing assignments for all of their classes.
Upcoming Assignments
Having one place for students to check for which assignments are coming due soon is a big help! If you set due dates in Google Classroom students can use this to avoid missing assignments. Have them click on “Upcoming Assignments” on the left side of Each column can be sorted and filtered. If students click on “Max Points” they can prioritize the assignments that are worth the most.
Schoolytics is Free!
Free for teachers to review the progress of the students in their classes. Free for students of these teachers. For access across classes, paid schoolwide accounts are available. This can include parent logins to know how their students are doing in Google Classroom.
- Ditch That Quiz with Pear Deck by @mo_physics
- Pear Deck for You!
- Students Find Missing Work in Google Classroom
- Missing Classroom Assignments Report in Google
- Progress Report Maker by Alice Keeler