Pear Deck for You!

win a copy of pear deck

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Pear Deck for You!

win a copy of pear deck

Win a One Year Subscription to Pear Deck

It’s pretty universal, seeing Pear Deck and falling in love. It allows for making interactive lessons. Not only do they have really cute pear drawings, but their interface is super easy to use. Pear Deck is supporting the Teachers Are Professionals initiative by donating one year subscriptions for us to give away. Additionally, Pear Deck is going to offer a deal to all teachers for Fall 2018 who sign up at

Pear Deck Activities

Log into Pear Deck and be greeted with two options to quickly create an interactive Google Slides presentation or a vocabulary activity.
Pear Deck activities

You can also open a file from Google Drive to turn into a Pear Deck activity.
Pear Deck open from Drive

Google Slides and Pear Deck

Use the Add-on menu to start the Pear Deck integration. The first time, you will need to authorize the Add-on.
Pear Deck Add on

Pear Deck Add-on creates a fun side panel that allows you to add interactivity to your Google Slides.
Pear Deck Google Slides

Interactive Slide Templates

The side panel allows you to choose from pre-made interactive slide templates.
Pear Deck interactive slide templates

Live Interaction

When you’re ready, click on “Present with Pear Deck.” This will create a join code for students to be able to interact with the presentation you just made.
Present with Pear Deck

Slide Navigator

Once students join the Deck, you will want to use the Slide Navigator in the bottom left corner to show the slides.
Advance Slides

Students Can Draw

Students can draw and interact on the Deck’s slides.
Students drawing on a slide

Project Student Responses

Share student responses in live time. Click on the screen icon in the bottom right hand corner.
Share student responses

Project Student Responses

Project Student Responses

3 Dots Menu

I like to say that as a G Suite user that 3 dots should make you excited. Don’t wonder! Click on it! You can toggle from whole class to Student-Paced activities.
3 dots menu in Pear Deck


The Dashboard lets you see student responses for all the questions/slides. Cooler is that when you view the Dashboard in Student-Paced mode, you can see the students interacting in live time.
 Pear Deck Dashboard

Sign Up to Win

Teachers Are Professionals is a project to end the culture that teachers should be paying out of pocket. We want to help reduce or eliminate teachers paying out of pocket. One way we can do that is to give away subscriptions to awesome tools like Pear Deck. We will be randomly choosing winners for subscriptions and other EdTech tools.

Eventually, Teachers Are Professionals wants to help you obtain funding for your classroom so you can decide what supplies your students need. We also want to help you get, for free, EdTech tools of your choice. Because the right tool is the one you’re willing to invest your time into learning. It’s a big project and will take time to fully implement so for now we are starting small and thanking teachers for their hard work with free giveaways.


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