Not all students have email. Many students do not check their email. Thus, emailing missing assignments is not helpful. A new feature in Schoolytics allows Google Classroom users to post missing assignments to the Stream.
Sending Missing Assignments
As a Google Classroom user, it can be difficult to help students know what assignments they are missing. Students can click on “View your assignments” from the Classwork page and filter for Missing on the side. Personally, I find it challenging to get them to do this regularly. There is no good way in Google Classroom to just list off what assignments are missing and send it to the student.
Schoolytics is Free for Teachers
Schoolytics provides Google Classroom users an easier way to get to the missing assignments. Teachers now have the option to share the list of missing assignments even if students do not have email.
Missing Assignments Report
Start with going to the Missing Assignments Report on Schoolytics. This is free for teachers. Schoolytics allows you to create filters for dates and classes at the top of the page. Review missing assignments for students for the week, month, or all school year.
Check the Dates
Before you send students the list of missing assignments be sure to adjust the dates on the screen. There is a drop-down menu to quickly adjust the date range to missing assignments for this week, month, or all year. Notice the default is “All” classes. You can send all your students a list of their missing assignments at once. You can also select one or a selection of classes.
Share Missing Assignments from Google Classroom
The “Bulk Message Missing Assignments” button will individually send to each student their specific list of missing assignments, based on the filters you created. Note the notification bell that will send you a weekly report via email with a list of student missing assignments.
Share to the Stream
The default when sending missing assignments is to send an email. However, not all students have email. Click on the tab that says “Stream.” The Stream in Google Classroom is the home page. Design a default message to let students know they are seeing a list of their missing assignments.
ONE Student and ALL Students
While all students selected will receive a Stream message with their missing assignments report, each student will only see their missing assignments.
From the teacher perspective, I see 30 announcements posted to the Stream. One per student. However, each announcement is only shared with the one student.