SlidesMania with Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler

Magically convert your Google Docs to Google Slides. Make them look pretty using Slidesmania with Doc to Slides by Schoolytics

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
SlidesMania with Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler

Doc to Slides by AliceKeeler works with SlidesMania! I love SlidesMania! Paula is so generous to share FREE Google Slides templates. SlidesMania helps me to quickly have beautiful looking designs. What SlidesMania does not let me do is quickly get my content into the Slides. This is where my Add-on comes into play. You can use SlidesMania with Doc to Slides.

Install Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler

The Add-on collects NO personal information. No PII. It simply takes the text from a Google Doc and converts it to Google Slides.

Google Developer Expert

I am a Google Developer Expert and a Google Certified Innovator. This allows me to be a part time developer for Schoolytics and a part time high school math teacher. I coded the Add-on Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler. Go to the Add-ons menu to search Alice Keeler to find other Add-ons I’ve created. Click here for all of my Add-ons.

Google Workspace Marketplace with a search for Alice Keeler and search results for alice keeler with a list of her add-ons. SlidesMania with Doc to Slides

Easy Text AND Great Design

In a Google Doc type out what you want to present on. It is much faster to create all your text in a Google Doc than Google Slides. Just push enter and type the next thing you want to talk about. In a Google Slides you have to choose a layout, select the textbox, click in the textbox, and start typing your text.

Start with a Google Doc and use the Add-on menu to select “Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler.”

Show sidebar for Doc to Slides by Schoolytics.

Notice in the sidebar you have the option to “Link to Google Slides.” If you leave this blank a new Google Slides will be created with the text from the Google Doc.


To have better looking Google Slides use SidesMania. These are FREE (Thanks Paula!) Select the Slides design you want and “Open Google Slides.”

If you love her designs consider giving her a coffee. Look for the icon in the bottom right of

The default in Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler is to create a blank Google Slides from the text in the Google Doc. Paste the link to the Google Slides you created from SlidesMania into the sidebar.

Select a Layout Number

Paula customizes the layouts for the SlidesMania slides. The default “Section Header” layout is usually replaced with one of her amazing layouts. The Add-on will prompt you for a number. If that layout number has a placeholder textbox it can add the text from the Google Doc into, those slides will be added to the BOTTOM of the presentation

Change the Layout

If that layout is not the one you wanted, select all the slides imported from Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler and use the Layout option in the toolbar to change the layout to the one you desire.

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