My good friend Christine Pinto was telling me she was having her Kindergartners do some pumpkin activities this week in anticipation of going to a pumpkin patch. I thought alicekeeler.com/pixelart would be a fun way for kids to make a pumpkin since after all, the answer is always a spreadsheet! Using my pixel art template students type single digit numbers to create a picture. Pretty much exactly like paint by numbers. Check out how Christine Pinto has modified the pixel art activity into a 10 frames math activity.

I have modified the pixel art activity to allow students to type the letters in the word pumpkins to create their pumpkins. Typing single digit numbers still works.

First Tab
The first tab in the spreadsheet allows students to create any pumpkin or jack-o-lantern they wish using pixel art.

My pumpkin pixel art skills clearly need practice.
Second Tab
On the second tab I have a small box for you to give the students a challenge. Perhaps they will represent 3 groups of pumpkins. Or create a pumpkin that has a quality from a vocabulary word. “Create a pretty pumpkin.”

Third Tab
The 3rd tab is the same thing, to allow you to give students another kind of challenge. Click on the tiny triangle on the tab to duplicate or delete tabs as desired to create more or fewer challenges.
Pumpkin Story
The 4th tab lets students write a story about their pumpkin.