EXCLUDE Assignments in Google Classroom

Exclude assignments from reporting in Google Classroom. You want to have more control over what gets reported to guardians and other stakeholders. Decide what to exclude from the progress report.
Exclude assignments from Google Classroom
EXCLUDE Assignments in Google Classroom

Not everything should be graded. I add many things to my Google Classroom that is not for a grade but I want to keep track of. I could make the assignment “Not Graded” but I still use a rubric score to indicate feedback to the student. Google Classroom does not let you exclude assignments from the gradebook. Try using schoolytics.com to have more control over how you use Google Classroom.

Use Hashtag #Exclude

In the description of an assignment in Google Classroom simply type #exclude.

Note there is nothing fancy you have to do. Just push the pound key on your keyboard and type the letters e x c l u d e somewhere into the description of the assignment.

Log into Schoolytics

Schoolytics is free for teachers and provides you with significantly more functionality than simply using Google Classroom alone.

Reports and Filters

Unlike Google Classroom, Schoolytics provides reports and filters to help you get better information about student performance. After logging into Schoolytics, for free, and syncing your classes choose the option for “Topics, Tabs, and Grading Categories.”

Notice the 3 tabs along the top to allow you to choose to see student results by Topic, Tag, or Grading Category.

Google Classroom is designed to be organized by topics.

On the Classwork page in Google Classroom you want to create TOPICS. This allows you to organize information for students. Using Schoolytics you can see how students perform within each topic. If you organize your class by week or unit you can see how students perform on assignments for that week or unit.

Tags are Amazing

Type hashtags into your Google Classroom assignments to see how students are performing by hashtag.

Adding hashtags gives you control over what information you want about students.

Hashtags are not pre-set in Google Classroom. You can add any hashtag you want to allow you to customize a system that works for you!

Exclude Hashtag

Using #exclude is one of the hashtags that Schoolytics pays attention to. This lets Schoolytics know that this should NOT be included on progress reports. This is an easy way for you to have more control over your Google Classroom reporting.

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How to exclude students from an assignment in Google Classroom

You may be wondering how to exclude students from an assignment in Google Classroom. Exclude everyone by adding the hashtag #exclude to the assignment description. You can exclude individual students by using the edit screen of an assignment and deselecting “All Students” and checkboxing only the students you wish to assign the assignment to.

First open an assignment in Google Classroom. Then, select to edit the assignment. Additionally you will want to make sure that the student who you want to exclude is NOT selected. You can make this edit AFTER you have already assigned the assignment. Then you can make alternative assignments or reassign just for that one student.

Exclude Assignments

You should exclude some assignments from reporting in Google Classroom. Be aware that adding #exclude only works with Schoolytics reporting. It does not work with Google Classroom natively.

First log into schoolytics.com and sync your classes. Then, edit your Google Classroom assignments to add #exclude to the description. Third, go back to Schoolytics to create progress reports.

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