Google Classroom Tutorial: How Students Turn in Work

Help students know how to turn work in Google Classroom. Use the flyer as a handout with students to talk about turning in work.

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Google Classroom Tutorial: How Students Turn in Work

Google Classroom allows students to submit work. Use this handout to help students to turn work in Google Classroom. 

Google Classroom Book

Available on Amazon or in bulk order.

Students Turn In Work to Google Classroom

To submit work in Google Classroom students must view the full assignment instructions to add work to the “Your work” bubble. Even if students do not submit the assignment, the teacher still has access to student work added to Google Classroom. 

Organize Assignments on the Classwork Page

Google Classroom is designed to organize assignments on the Classwork page. The landing page is the Stream, where you can post announcements and students can ask questions about assignments. Create topics on the Classwork page and organize assignments under the topics. Learn more in “Stepping Up to Google Classroom: 50 Steps for Beginners.” 

The challenge can be to get students to go to the Classwork page to see the organized assignments. Keep reminding students to go to the Classwork page. “Good morning, great to have you here. Go to the Classwork page in Google Classroom to find the assignments for today.” 

Assignment Stripe

Students will locate the assignment stripe on the Classwork page. Assignments they have already completed are greyed out. Remind students to look for assignments that are not greyed out to ensure that they SUBMIT THEM if they have completed the assignment. It is common for a student to forget to submit even if they have completed the assignment. 

View Instructions

When students click on the assignment stripe it expands to provide a preview. However, students need to click on the “View instructions” button to not only see the full assignment, but to submit their work. Students use the “Add or create” button to add their work to the assignment. If work as attached by the teacher, they find the work attachments waiting for them in the “Your work” bubble.

Learn More about Google Classroom from Teacher Tech

Your Work Bubble

In the upper right of the full assignment screen is the “Your work” bubble. This displays the submission status. “Assigned” indicating that it is not submitted. “Turned in” is awaiting to be graded. “Graded” indicates it has been returned with a score. 

Mark as Done or Turn in

The submission button in the “Your work” bubble changes depending on whether or not there is an assignment attachment. No work attached, the button says “Mark as done.” Once there is an attachment, the submit button shows “Turn in.” 

Submitted Work is Locked

When students submit a Google Doc, Sheets, Slides, or Sites ownership is switched over to the teacher. The student becomes a viewer of the document. This means they can NOT see in document comments until the document has been returned. Students will need to “Unsubmit” to edit the turned in document. 

Private Comments

Private Comments are always visible regardless of submission status. Students can leave questions for the teacher or provide information about their submission in the Private Comments. The teacher can use the Private Comments to provide feedback back to the student. 

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