Scratchers allow you to hide information. Students choose from the mystery options to reveal something. These can allow for some really fun and creative activities. Create scratchers in FigJam.
FigJam is a Free Digital Whiteboard
Sign up for your free Figma account to gain access to FigJam. A digital whiteboard opens up opportunities for many different types of activities. Check out some templates I have created at
Create Scratchers in FigJam
Create a grid of choices or assignment elements and cover them up. Invite students to a mystery choice. They choose a specified number of hidden elements and uncover the text or image.
Ways to Use Scratchers
- Hide story elements that students must include in their writing.
- Grid of math problems. Instead of doing all the problems, choose 5. Revealing a hidden math question.
- Hide images or names of historical figures and ask students to discuss their significance upon revealing.
- Cover names of countries, states, or capitals. Students scratch off to reveal the name and then provide key facts or locate it on a map.
- Hide clues about a book, historical event, or scientific phenomenon that students can try to guess the overall theme.
Start with a FigJam
Go to to find your FigJams. You can create a FigJam at or use
FigJam is an Infinite Canvas
Using the FigJam canvas, create a section anywhere. Students can show their work in additional sections you create. Tip: Use Shift S to make a section, or use the toolbar.

Design a Scratcher Board

Drag Image onto FigJam Canvas
You can images to a FigJam canvas by dragging. Lock the image by using Control Shift L. Alternatively, right click on the scratcher image to choose to lock.
The Key Is Short Pen Strokes
When erasing in FigJam the entire pen stroke is removed. To create a scratcher, if you use the marker (press M) to color completely over the hidden element when the eraser is applied it will remove the entire scribble at once. This is not desired.
A scratcher should slow reveal what is hidden beneath.
To ensure a slow reveal when erasing, only use very small pen strokes.
Create Sprinkles over the Text or Image
Use the marker to create what looks like sprinkles over the text or image. Have each small pen stroke at different angles.
Copy the Sprinkles
Use the selection tool (press V) to select the sprinkles. Copy and paste the sprinkles to cover all the mystery spots. (Control D quickly duplicates)

Tip: You can hold down the shift key when drawing lines to create horizontal or vertical lines. It can be helpful to outline your mystery square before adding the sprinkles.
Tip: Use As Little Pen As Possible
The first time I made a scratcher I made a bunch of small pen strokes to cover a small surface and duplicated it many many times to cover the entire square. I then duplicated this square of pen strokes repeatedly. This resulted in a LOT of pen strokes, many unnecessary and redundant.
Too many pen strokes can severely slow down your FigJam.

Use the Large Marker to Fill in Gaps
After making sprinkles with the skinny marker over the text or image, use the fatter marker option
Copy the Entire Scratcher
Create one scratcher. Lasso all the pen strokes and duplicate to quickly cover all of the mystery spots.

Use the Eraser
With small pen strokes the eraser will slow reveal what is below the pen. Instruct students to erase to reveal what is below.

Create Additional Sections
Scratching the mystery is only the first part! What do students do with what they revealed? Create additional sections using the toolbar or Shift S for students to complete the assignment.

Try out this Mystery Selection where students scratch off 2 animals. In the additional sections students use the voice recorder to describe their animal. They will also draw their own picture.
Create Fun Mystery Scratcher Activities
Creating scratchers in FigJam opens up a world of interactive and engaging educational activities. By hiding information and allowing students to reveal it in a fun, game-like manner, you can foster creativity and excitement in your classroom. These activities are versatile, suitable for various subjects, and can be tailored to different age groups.
With FigJam, you can easily set up scratchers by covering text or images with small pen strokes. This ensures a slow and intriguing reveal, maintaining student interest and promoting critical thinking. Whether it’s hiding story elements, math problems, historical facts, or geographical locations, the possibilities are endless.