Google Doc Becomes Slides – Magically

I think you will find this a fun activity to turn your Google Docs into Google Slides! Slides allow for multi-media and have some distinct advantages over Google Docs sometimes. However, Docs is easier for brainstorming and outlining. Now you can have the best of both world by turning your Google Docs to Google Slides. Use the Doc to Slides Add-on by Alice Keeler
Google Doc to Google Slides with Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler
Google Doc Becomes Slides – Magically

I have done some updating to my Add-on Doc to Slides. Mostly cosmetic, I have made the sidebar look prettier. However, I also now have added a button to the sidebar to link to the Google Slides that are created. This is extra helpful if you do not have pop-ups enabled in your browser. This Add-on collects NO USER DATA! It takes your paragraphs from Google Docs and turns them into a Google Slides presentation.

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Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler

I am a teacher, I made this for teachers. Use it to take your outline quickly to Google Slides or help students to communicate their ideas through a multi-media platform (Google Slides). This collects NO USER DATA. NO PII. Is FERPA and COPPA compliant. Simply install the Add-on to Google Docs. You can use the button below or when searching Add-ons simply type in Alice Keeler and all my Add-ons will come up.

screenshot of a Google Doc side by side with Google Slides to show the paragraphs of the Google Doc become individual slides.

Google Docs Add-on

In ALL of your Google Docs you can go to the Extensions menu and find the option for “Doc to Slides.” This will convert any of your Google Docs into a Google Slides… like magic. TRY IT, it’s fun! It is almost instantaneous for shorter documents of only a couple of pages. Longer documents might take a minute.

Sidebar for Doc to Slides

Show the sidebar to display different options for how you will send the text from your Google Doc to Google Slides. The default option sends the text to a section header. This is larger text and centered on the slide.

Use the Tools menu and “Theme Builder” to modify the font size and style across the Slides presentation.

There is also an option to add the text smaller to the bottom left. Perfect for “Roster to Slides” to assign each student a slide with their name on it. Simply paste your class roster into a Google Doc with each students name on a different line. Press “Assign a Slide” and a new Google Slides will be created for you.

Alternatively, you can put the text into the speaker notes. This allows you to formulate your ideas and flow of the presentation and ensure that your presentation does not have too many words on the slide.

Sidebar for Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler. Shows an empty box so you can paste your link to a Google Slides. Blue button to create google slides. Roster to slides option and a speaker notes option

Add to Slides You Already Own

If you already have a Google Slides and want to add additional content to the slides you can paste the link into the box in the sidebar. If you have edit access to those slides, Doc to Slides will append the additional content to your current presentation.

New Feature: View Slides Button

Previously, you needed Pop Ups enabled in order to easily view the created Google Slides. The Slides were always located in Google Drive, but it may have appeared that nothing happened if you didn’t allow pop-ups. Now, in addition to the pop up Slides appearing in another tab, a sidebar is created with a button that links you to the Slides presentation.

Doc to Slides by Alice Keeler view slides button in the sidebar

Google Docs to Google Slides

I think you will find this a fun activity to turn your Google Docs into Google Slides! Slides allow for multi-media and have some distinct advantages over Google Docs sometimes. However, Docs is easier for brainstorming and outlining. Now you can have the best of both world by turning your Google Docs to Google Slides.

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