Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice Keeler

Resize Google Slides: 8.5 by 11

Use Google Slides instead of Google Docs. You can make your Google Slides portrait by setting it to 8.5 by 11
Alice Keeler bitmoji celebrating Google Slides in portrait mode or 8.5 by 11
Resize Google Slides: 8.5 by 11
YouTube video

Tongue in cheek I like to say [tweet]”Do Not Use Google Docs”[/tweet] (I of course use Google Docs) but why not resize and use 8.5 by 11 Google Slides instead of Google Docs?! Unlike Google Docs … Slides are multimedia. Slides allow for better collaboration in the sense that the page does not move when someone else is typing. [tweet]Google Slides encourage more creativity![/tweet]

Template: Portrait Slides

Go With Landscape

If you like the traditional eight and a half by 11 “sheet of paper” you can easily resize Google Slides … but how long until you realize that it does not matter? Your computer screen is landscape… why do we want our documents in portrait?

8.5 by 11 – Portrait Slides

To convert your Google Slides to portrait mode you will want to use the File menu and choose “Page setup.”


The default size of Google Slides is “Widescreen.” Instead, click on the arrow to select “Custom” from the drop down menu.

Widescreen in page setup

Set to 8.5 Inches by 11 Inches

Change the height and width of the slides to 8.5 inches by 11 inches. Google Slides in portrait mode!! This will hopefully make it more comfortable for you to use Google Slides instead of Google Docs and take advantage of the added benefits of using slides!

8.5 by 11 inches custom settings

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