Using Google Slides for Remote Learning is a great idea!! I have seen a ton of people posting choice boards and agendas using Google Slides. You can create ONE Google Slides and share the link to that. Update your Slides (new ones at the TOP) and automatically everyone gets the update. But what if you instead want to send a slide to slides a student already owns… and can edit.
Push Slides
I coded Push Slides to allow you to push a slide whenever you want to student Slides.
The template is a Google Form. You can edit the Form however you want, just make sure the 2nd question is “What is the link to your slides.”
Students Make and Share Slides
Students need to make Slides and share it with you. Have them put the link to the Slides into your Form.
Alternatively, you can create an assignment in Google Classroom that pushes each student a copy of a Google Slides. Ask the students to fill out the Google Form and submit the link to the slides to the Form.
Before you ask students to submit their slides, setup the Form by going to the puzzle piece Add-on menu in the Form. Select “Push Slides.

Choose “Setup.”

You will need your own Google Slides as your slide deck master. Copy the link to your slides and when prompted paste the link to the slides.
Tip: You can run setup to link to any set of slides you want anytime.
Push Slides
Once students have turned in their Google Slides links to your Google Form just keep coming back to the Form and using the puzzle piece Add-on menu to “Push Slides.” It will prompt you for what slide number you want to send. Type the number and whoosh… it goes to everyone’s slides. Repeat as often as you want.
44 responses to “Remotely: Push Slides to Students Slides”
Alice you are my hero. I can’t tell you how long I googled trying to figure out how to do this! This is SO helpful!!
This is amazing!! I’ve been searching for how to do this for weeks. Do you know if there is a way to get the slides to push below the slides that are already there? For example if they have slides 1-3, can I push it to slide 4?? Right now they keep being pushed to slide 1.
I intentionally so not allow that. You want new things you push at the top. If you’re pushing 3 slides at once do it in reverse order.
Solid stuff, Alice!
This is great! Thank you!
Have you heard of Slip in Slide? I was just looking into it but it might charge and this might be a better option
It’s a different approach. I’ve coded my own version of slip and slide but it uses DriveApp which is a protected scope when you submit to Google. They want to charge you $15000 to have DriveApp approved so I did this to avoid that.
Hi Alice,
I have very young students and I am not sure if they can complete the Google form themselves.
I actually teach a number of classes with young students (as I am specialist teacher).
Can I complete the Google Form on behalf each of my students? Will this work?
All students are in different Google Classrooms and have different ‘slides’ based assignments assigned. Will this work this for multiple classes? Do I need different to complete a different form for each class?
I have a solution for that. Use the add roster option in the menu 🙂 it fills out the form for you for all your students.
Can you push several slides at once? I hope I did not miss the answer somewhere.
No, but you can push one at a time pretty dang fast.
Thank you SOOO much. I wanted to add to the slides I shared last week and thought I would have to do so one student at a time. Novice question – Do students need to leave the Success slide in their presentations for the push out to work? I have had students delete and am not sure if this will affect future push outs.
They can delete it!!
This is a game-changer, Alice! Thank you so much! Quick question: If students fill out the form at different times, do I need to push the same slide out again to those who do it after I’ve already pushed it? Will those who already had it pushed get it again?
Pushing won’t be influenced by student work.
Thank you for this. If i use the add roster option, does it take care of the share permission?
Yes because you own the slides. You made it. It also shares with the email address provided
Hi! I have been using push slides for my own students weekly journal with great success. I am also providing tech support for a colleague who is very tech-hesitant. I created her math journal slides file it is in a folder of mine that I shared with her. She assigned the journal file to her class through GC, no problem. Then I created the push slides GForm (in the same shared folder) and posted it to her GC stream and all the students completed it and I can push slides to them no problem. SHE has been unable to push slides to students using the same form…what have I done wrong?
Did she authorize the app for her account
Hi Alice, what is the difference between this and your previous push first slide? The latter seems easier, but I am just about to use it for the first time.
They do it different ways
Does this work for any slide deck or do students need to be using Google classroom as well?
Any slide deck
I am attempting to use your push in slides to build a Digital Science journal with students. Am I able to use a premade slide template if I set it up making a forced copy for each student? Also, is there a way for this to be re-coded where the new slides will be added on the back end of the slides instead of adding the slides at the front? I initial tried using the Google Add-on Slip In Slide but I didn’t have any luck with that either.
Will the students need to fill out the form every time they need a slide?
No, only one time.
I know I can delete the first slide for students. Can I delete the first slide on the master copy?
If you’ve already made the copies you can delete anything. It will not effect the copies.
Can I designate where I want slides to be pushed? I’d like them added at the end rather than as the first slide.
Hello Ms. Keeler,
Thank you for this tool! I am following your directions and cannot get a prompt to come up for the master deck/teacher deck…do you have any insight as to how to trouble-shoot that issue? After I click to allow PushSlides (unsafe), I am not prompted. Where should my link go?
Thank you,
Hi Ms. Keeler,
Thank you for this tool! I have 75 students and am finding it takes hours to push a slide out to all of their digital notebooks. Do you know of reasons why this might happen and if so, if there are ways to speed up the process? Thank you so much!
Apps script just runs really slow. I wish often I could speed it up.
I’ve been using this, and I think you answered it in a tip above but I’d like to clarify: at any time, I can press “setup” and change the source slide deck that I want to send to students, correct?
I have several teachers using this script for their digital notebooks and love it! This year they began using it and have said that students are receiving duplicate, or sometimes, triplicate slides instead of just the one. I can’t think of a reason this would be happening. Any ideas? Thanks for any help you can provide!
I have not had that happen. So I am baffled.
For me, this happened when students submitted the form multiple times. I deleted duplicates in the sheet to resolve the problem.
Hi Alice, I can’t seem to find the Forms add-on… do you have a direct link?
Is it not in the article? There should be a button.
Thank you for this, Alice! I am excited to be able to use this feature.
When I try to link to your form for pushslides, it will not let me create a copy. Did you lock it or recode it?
Thank you!!
You can not make a copy of the form? Hmmm I have not edited it. Unsure why you would have an issue
I have a new students and I need to push out the slides I already assigned, is there a way to do that???
For one student you can copy paste slides into their slides manually. It is pretty easy to paste a group or slides into one slide deck. Any code would take longer.
Alice, I was using your wonderful `Pile of slides` last year perfectly fine. It was amazing! This year, I get an error after I authorize it: refused to connect. Is there a setting I have to change or has my board somehow disabled allowing your code to run on my school account? Thank you!
Should work the same…. I have not modified it that I remember