Create Fake Data in Google Sheets
Today is my birthday (I’m 42!) so of course, we need a spreadsheet blog post. Remember “The answer is always a spreadsheet.”
For my birthday (today only) get my online Google Sheets workshop for only $6. Use the code oct6
Fake Names
When creating examples I need fake student names all the time. Go to
Be careful what you click on. There are some ads on there you want to avoid. Click on “Generate.”
Click on “List in a text area.” Click inside the text area. Use Control A to select all. Control C to copy.
Create a Spreadsheet
My favorite way to create a Google Sheets is
Paste the Roster
Click on a cell and use Control V to paste the fake names. BE QUICK! Notice the clipboard icon that appears when you paste. (Don’t worry if you miss it, you can use the Data menu and choose “Split text to columns.” )
Click on the tiny triangle on the clipboard and choose “Split text to columns.” It will then say “Detect automatically,” click on this and choose “Space.” This will split up the names at the spacebar.
Random Number
It’s pretty usual I need to have fake scores or fake amounts of money each fake person has. Use the spreadsheet formula =RANDBETWEEN(Min,Max).
In Column C next to the name, enter =RANDBETWEEN(1,10). This will randomly assign each person a number between 1 and 10 inclusive.
Press Enter and a random number will be assigned to that person. Single click back on that cell you typed the formula into and look for the blue fill down square in the bottom right hand corner. Click on the fill down square, hold down you mouse and PULL DOWN! This will copy the formula for each person, thus assigning each a random number.
In Column D next to the random number lets give each person a fake salary. Click on the first cell and type =RANDBETWEEN(29000, 300000). This gives each person a random salary between 29,000 and 300,000. Be careful of the commas. You only want a comma to separate the 2 numbers, not to distinguish place value. Press Enter. Single click back on that cell and use the blue fill in square to drag down and assign each person a random salary.
Paste Special
You will notice each time you do something in the spreadsheet the random score changes to a new random score. The random salary changes to a new random salary. To stop the =RANDBETWEEN() from calculating you need to use paste special. Highlight the numbers with the score. Control C Copy. Immediately use Control Shift V to paste. It will appear as if nothing has happened. However, notice that if you make any changes the score stops randomizing. Holding down SHIFT when you paste strips the formulas and leaves just the value. Repeat this with the salaries. Highlight the fake salaries. Control C to copy and Control Shift V to paste right on top of itself.
When I am doing screenshots or screencasts demonstrating things for students I obviously do not want to use real student names or real student data. Thus, by using fake data I can create YouTube videos or other tutorials with screenshots and not worry about violating student privacy.