Selfie Exit Ticket

Selfie Exit Ticket

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Selfie Exit Ticket

Selfie Exit Ticket

Selfie Exit Ticket

Here is a fun idea for an exit ticket. Ask students to submit a selfie about how they felt about the activity. You can have students submit the selfie or add one to Google Slides. (If you would like to add a selfie exit ticket to the sample slides below click here.)

Collaborative Google Slides

Create a BLANK Google Slides. Share with students with edit access. Students add a slide to the collaborative Google Slides, put their name in the speaker notes, and add a selfie to the slide.

Insert Picture

From a Chromebook or laptop, students use the “camera” option to enable their webcam.
camera to insert selfie into slides

From a tablet or mobile device, students should use the Google Sldies app. Students tap on the plus icon at the top of the screen and choose to add an image from camera. They can take the selfie right on to the slide!

Google Classroom

Google Classroom makes it easy to distribute collaborative Google Slides.
google classroom selfie exit ticket

Add your blank Google Slides to a Google Classroom assignment. Change the Slides from “Students can view file” to “Students can edit file.”
students can edit file

CollabEssay: Why Open 30 Docs When You Can Open One?

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