Participate in a Twitter Chat Template

participate in a twitter chat

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Participate in a Twitter Chat Template

participate in a twitter chat participate twitter chat

Participate in a Twitter Chat

Starting Tuesday, Google Apps for Littles (#GAfE4Littles) will be having a weekly chat at 5pm PST. For those participants who are new to Twitter chats I created a template to help. If you have never participated in a Twitter chat here is how it works. At the specified time log onto Twitter. I recommend using Tweetdeck and adding a column for the hashtag. Search the hashtag and for the next hour read what people tweet using the hashtag. There is a moderator who tweets out questions. You can identify the questions because they start with Q1 for question 1 and Q2 for question 2… You reply to questions using A1 to answer Q1 question 1 and A2 to reply to Q2 question 2… You can reply to participants in the chat, be sure to include the hashtag in ALL tweets so they are part of the overall conversation. Here is a previous blog post on participating in a Twitter chat.



Even though I am pretty seasoned with doing Twitter chats even I sometimes forget to include the A1, A2, etc… and the hashtag on the tweets. I created a spreadsheet to solve this problem.

Create a copy of the spreadsheet template above for each Twitter chat you’re participating in.

In cell C2, type the hashtag. Omit the actual hashtag # it is automatically added.
type the hashtag

Watch the Twitter feed for the questions. To respond to a question you can type your response in column C of the spreadsheet. Column G automatically creates a hyperlink to tweet your response. The A and the hashtag show up automatically in the response.

Where it says “Click here to Tweet,” click on the link. This causes a blue link to pop up either above or below the text. You will need to click on the blue link to actually generate the tweet.
type response in the spreadsheet. Then when link shows up, click on that.


A new window opens with the tweet generated. You can edit the tweet and add additional hashtags if you wish. You will need to manually press the “Tweet” button to send your tweet to Twitter. I use Control W to close the tab after
the a1 and hashtag are automatically added. Manually press the tweet button

Side by Side Windows

Suggestion to have the spreadsheet side by side with Tweetdeck so you can see the chat at the same time as you are responding to questions.


If you are the moderator of the chat you can pre-set up this spreadsheet to share with participants. The 2nd tab allows you to type in the questions. Delete the “Getting Started” tab. Fill in the hashtag at the top for participants and type the questions into column B.
delete first tab and set up questions in the 2nd tab


You can force a copy for participants by deleting the /editblahblahblah at the end of the URL and replacing it with /copy.

For example:


DO NOT FORGET TO MAKE THE SPREADSHEET “Anyone with the link can view.”

Share the Link

Share the link that ends in /copy in the Twitter chat. This will prompt users to make a copy and enable them to reply to the questions right in the spreadsheet.

Tweet the Questions

The Q1, Q2, etc… are hyperlinked. Click on the questions to tweet out the question. The Q1 and the hashtag will automatically be appended.


Link to spreadsheet

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