Curipod – AI for Collaboration

Check out what Curipod is about! AI for collaboration. Alice sits down with Eirik from Curipod.

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Curipod – AI for Collaboration

My passion is student centered classrooms. Technology that makes worksheets faster is not the panacea to education. Collaboration is singing my song! What caught my attention about Curipod, AI tool, is its marketing that is is built around collaboration!

Check out my conversation with Eirik from Curipod as he shows me what the AI tool does.

What is Curipod?

Curipod is an instructional tool designed to get 100% participation in your classroom. Its mission is simple: to make every student feel heard while fostering collaboration and reducing screen time. Unlike many EdTech tools, which often isolate students with individual tasks, Curipod emphasizes working together to solve problems and share ideas.

The founder described it best: “Curipod focuses on creating a classroom buzz where every student looks up from their screen and collaborates.”

Screenshot of Curipod livestream
Besides a team of fun fuzzy orange hat wearers, Curipod is an AI tool touted to improve collaboration in your class.

Key Features of Curipod

1. AI-Powered Lesson Creation

Curipod simplifies lesson planning with AI. Here’s how it works:

  • Generate Lessons: Choose a subject and topic, like ELA and Novel Studies, and let Curipod create a ready-to-teach slide deck complete with activities and content.

  • Upload Existing Slides: Already have slides? Upload them, and Curipod will automatically generate activities to enhance your lesson.

2. Engaging Student Activities

Curipod’s activities are designed to encourage participation, creativity, and critical thinking. For example:

  • Open Questions with Peer Voting: Students submit answers and vote for the ones they agree with most. This feature helps quieter students shine, as their thoughtful responses often receive the highest votes.

  • AI Feedback: For writing activities, students receive immediate, constructive feedback. For instance, if a student writes about The Outsiders, Curipod might suggest adding specific examples from the text to strengthen their argument.

  • Brain Breaks: Curipod includes fun, creative activities, like drawing challenges, to keep students engaged.

3. ELL-Friendly Translation Tools

For classrooms with English Language Learners, Curipod allows you to translate lessons into multiple languages. Teachers can download translated slides and upload them to their LMS for students to reference alongside the English version.

4. Insightful Reports

Curipod doesn’t just collect data—it helps you make sense of it. The reports feature summarizes student understandings and misconceptions, giving you actionable insights to inform your next lesson.

Why Teachers Love Curipod

Teachers often come for the AI but stay for the engagement. Here’s why:

  1. Boosts Collaboration: Every activity is designed to get students talking and sharing ideas.

  2. Supports Differentiation Without Isolation: Instead of having students work on separate tasks, Curipod differentiates by providing tailored feedback while keeping everyone on the same activity.

  3. Simple and Intuitive: With features like drag-and-drop editing and a prompt builder, Curipod is easy to use.

Student Centered Learning with Curipod

Curipod can help you to create student-centered classrooms. By providing opportunities for active participation and collaboration, Curipod helps students take ownership of their learning. It shifts the focus from teacher-led instruction to student-driven exploration and discovery.

approach to enhancing student engagement and creating a more interactive learning environment. By incorporating activities like quizzes, polls, and brainstorming sessions, teachers can transform their lessons into dynamic and collaborative experiences. If you’re looking for ways to make your classroom more student-centered and engaging, Curipod is definitely worth exploring.

Student-Driven Direction

A key element of a student-centered classroom is giving students a voice in shaping their learning experience. Curipod facilitates this by gathering real-time information from students, which teachers can then use to adapt and refine their instruction. Through polls, quizzes, and other interactive activities, students provide valuable feedback on their understanding, interests, and learning preferences, directly influencing the direction and content of the lesson. For example, a teacher could use a Curipod poll to gauge student interest in different project topics, allowing the class to collectively decide which direction to explore.

Active Learning

Student-centered classrooms prioritize active engagement. Curipod’s interactive activities, like quizzes, polls, and brainstorming tools, directly address this. Students actively participate by answering questions, sharing opinions, and contributing ideas, rather than just passively listening. For example, a teacher could use a Curipod poll to gauge student understanding of a concept before moving on, allowing for immediate feedback and adjustments to instruction.

Hyperlink Slides Choice Board

Quickly turn your Google Slides™ into a choice board with automatically generated hyperlinks. 

Created by AliceKeeler – Collects NO user data.

Student Ownership

In a student-centered environment, students take more responsibility for their learning. Curipod fosters this by allowing students to express their understanding in various ways. Brainstorming tools, for example, empower students to contribute to the direction of a lesson or project, fostering a sense of ownership. A teacher might use Curipod to facilitate a class discussion by having students anonymously submit questions or comments, giving them agency in shaping the conversation.


Collaboration is key to student-centered learning. Curipod’s interactive activities can be designed to promote teamwork and peer learning. Quizzes in “team mode” encourage discussion and shared problem-solving. Brainstorming features can facilitate collaborative solutions to real-world problems in small groups. A teacher could use Curipod’s brainstorming feature to have small groups collaboratively develop solutions to a real-world problem.

Feedback and Reflection

Student-centered classrooms emphasize feedback and reflection. Curipod’s polling feature allows teachers to quickly gather student feedback, enabling real-time adjustments. Quiz and poll results can be used as a springboard for class discussions and reflections on learning. The data gathered by Curipod allows teachers to understand what’s resonating with students and where they might need additional support. This feedback loop is crucial for adapting instruction to meet the needs of the learners.

AI Transcript of Curipod Conversation with Alice and Eirik


(00:00) yay ni working so sorry about that no worries the wrong one I’m like how are you yeah I’m really good I’m out here in California trying to stay warm my car was iced over this morning I couldn’t believe it well let’s uh see if I had I’m in Florida right now and enjoying the heat I think the locals call it winter but uh yeah this see if I can share this was my yesterday in Norway just came wow so I’m enjoying the hit yeah I I live in Kansas though your Norway looks very much like my house in Kansas so I do get to AV that that’s nice well I’m

(00:47) excited to learn about Curipod today if you were to give like just a one or two sentence elevator pitch what does Curipod do?

It gets all your students collaborating

so when I talk with teachers I typically say either feel the buzz of 100% participation or I also like to just say get to the thing where all your students are suddenly looking up from their screen that’s kind of to me the core of Curipod.

like yeah it were a Tech Tool but definitely a Tech Tool focusing on less screen time

okay well I wasn’t expecting to hear that so are you
(01:27) going to be able to show it to us today

yes so I can run you through just kind of my intro to Curipod.

okay that would be awesome so I think frame of reference just to kind of give the backstory of how Curipod came to be is I I always I when I introduce myself I always say I was born with a Hermione reflex it means my hand does a lot of this uh I loved school I had I had an amazing time at school uh and I was super lucky that yeah I got to go to school where everyone was geeking out I had so much fun after school I moved to
(02:04) mmic started as a teacher I got back to Norway I started uni again and my first year there I met Jens short spoiler alert he’s my co-founder and the CEO so we stuck together and we work together so closely for three years and uh at the end of those three years I learned that the ens had originally dropped out of high school which surprised me yeah and I never known anyone who considered dropping out and here was yens and he was a smart person I’ve ever met and he had dropped out so it’s the first time in my life I kind of

reflected on what
(02:35) makes people drop out

and it was also the first time I really understood what happens to the classroom when I raise my hand and do this it incre yeah it increases the threshold for everyone else to participate and and it’s not my fault it’s just how we’ve set up education right it’s teacher asks a question Eric raises his hand then you have five people who thinks oh I don’t want to raise my hand because I don’t want to be that kind of person and you have five people who thinks I kind of want to answer but I know the
(03:03) teacher will pick me first because I don’t answer usually but then she will pick Eric afterwards to kind of round off the question there is so much happening right there that just makes that kind of like

it’s hard to get that sort of participation so that was that was how we started here about can we make an instructional tool that really focuses on that

and then the other thing that really influenced us was that almost all instructional tools at the moment focus on either both or at least one student based Solutions yes to
(03:40) me that’s I understand why I’ve been in the classroom right it takes away the problem like

it solves the problem of differentiation which like anyone who spent time in the classroom knows how hard it is

but hard it’s so hard right you have 30 Learners and they’re on different levels but but it also the second we solve that problem with student pce Solutions we’re we’re taking away collaboration from the classroom

so true I’m so happy to hear you say that

yeah that’s that’s kind of my core like if I have one Mission that’s kind of my
(04:09) mission right it’s kind of how can we solve for differentiation but still make sure every student works on the same problem so they can really really work together so I’ll with that being said I’ll take you into Curipod and I’m excited let’s see help sharing screen it seems like this is working fine nice can you see my screen now perfect okay

so I’m inside Curipod and

uh for people who are new since we’re just early on here in the in the in the session how much does Curipod cost?

and so we have a free version who’s free for everyone and then we have
(04:51) a school and District plan okay everything I’m going to show now is either going to be on the free plan or I’m going to be very diligent and tell you if it’s on the school plan okay all right great so um you log into Curipod and if you if you want kind of the the umbrella understanding of where

we exist think about Curipod as a instructional tool or formative assessment tool
in in the family of npod peer deck quizzes is moving more in that direction as well

we’re definitely using AI but we’re not the tool you buy if you’re thinking (05:24) like we just need some AI

like then there are amazing tools out there as well if you just want to expose your teachers and students to AI we are the tool you buy if you want higher engagement if you want uh collab students

collaborating so let me take you through kind of a short demo so the easiest way to get started in Curipod is to click get lesson

okay and when you click get lesson you get some Alternatives uh I’m going to take you through the easiest one to get started with which is generate a lesson okay when I click
(05:58) generate the lesson 

I can select which subject I’m teaching so let’s say I’m doing Ela and let’s say I want to do novel studies we want to focus on The Outsiders that was a good suggestion and we want to focus on main ideas all right then here has created a prompt for you uh I can of course uh I can of course add to this

I want some activities where the students share their own opinion

so this is uh this is just us kind of creating a default prompt for you here I can also align it to any standards by clicking here and selecting my States you we have
(06:51) all state standards in here awesome select a grade level and then I’ll click get lesson and now Curipod is starting to build your lesson

okay so then we’re waiting for AI to do its magic see what it’s creating here sorry for this is that’s that’s the that’s the Curipod idea of it

yeah sorry for the background don’t do this on the fly with their students or do they good question so I think most people the first time they use Curipod they kind of just made it some like just before they went in and like oh this worked really
(07:36) well and then they’re starting using it all the time so now it created the lesson here and you see the lessons is in the format of a slide deck and you can see down here whether it’s an activity or if it says slides it’s just a content slide and it basically fills it out quite neatly here but but you can of course you can of course add more to this if you want to uh and then when you’re ready to use it you click Start now.

Instead of clicking start now I will click preview just because in the preview I get the opportunity to show
(08:16) you both a teacher screen and a student screen.

oh okay but basically by clicking start now it will just get you to this teacher screen so the teacher click starts and all the students join in with a pin code from Curipod live as you’re familiar from like Kahoot or most other should I try and join uh yes you can join in here actually

okay so I’ve scanned the QR code it’s got my the pin number automatically put down my real I like how it asked for my real name

As you see we give all students a random nickname so the teacher can
(08:54) access everyone’s real name but the students only see each other random nickname it’s one of those things we do just to kind of just lower the threshold of participation.

and now when I click Start we get to start teaching this lesson and every time we get to an activity we get to uh answer so let’s let’s try two activities here so what you already know about main ideas in The Outsider so I’ll start this and we can both write an answer here all right write answer says an in okay what do I already know about main
(09:41) idea where are you writing the okay oh there it is all right and I’m just writing a few example answers okay and when this activity ends

this is an open question activity and this has a voting element so when we’re finished all the students get to vote for the answer they agree most with.

oh okay so there might be 30 of them on here though yes and that’s why so how we’ve done it is they’re randomly paired uh so that like it works if you’re 500 students in a university class it still works by by basically just randomly pairing and giving
(10:30) different combinations to every student so I finish it off here and basically what happens is that at the end you get all the results here.

But what’s like okay so to stop a little bit with the voting and I’m can show other types of activities afterwards but there are a few things that really works with this voting so first it tricks all the students to basically do some sort of peer review they they all read through each other’s answers so they get exposed to other students think which really starts some great conversations
(11:04) afterwards for sure the other thing is that seven out of 10 times the top answer is usually a quiet kid and that really Curipod like I just I just visited a school in like yeah east of Dallas Texas and it was just the most amazing experience I’ve had because I I run a PD for the science team and one hour later one of the science teachers came crying back in tears and she was so happy because she had run the Curipod lesson she had made a lesson on uh Newton’s first law but with or Newton’s three laws of motion with Christmas
(11:47) theme and made a drawing brain break which was like draw how Newton’s loss of motion influenced Santa when he when he flies which is like a fun break for the kids but is she said like like the kid she she had never got this kid to to talk and her drawing was voted to the top and suddenly she started sharing and it was the first time she kind of spoke out loud in the classroom oh that’s to me kind of the cor all activities we build

we try to build them in a way that so they give kids the confidence to start talking to each
(12:21) other in the classroom.

so moving on from this activities we have some fact slides and we have you see we have a poll activity we don’t need to run through them all here but then we for instance have this uh here write a short paragraph on how you relate to the character situation and The Outsider what personal connections can you make so I’ll start this activity here and we don’t need to write full script here so I relate or I don’t relate as I did read it I’m just it’s been a long time long time since but the AI feedback activities
(13:12) instead of voting the teacher can press give feedback and in a second students can get feedback on their writing oh yeah so I had put down that I like to drive I just soon to remember there being a car not I’m not sure if that was true or not so the feedback I got was great start it’s cool to connect personal interest to what you’re learning here’s how you can improve think about a character in The Outsiders who likes driving or has a related experience explain why driving is important to them and how it connects to
(13:44) their story and add details from the book to make your paragraph more specific and mean follow there it is I love this example and and this is kind of I think this example is kind of core on how we try to build our writing feedback because you have managed to write something like you have managed to express an opinion yeah and that shouldn’t be discourages right of course it’s like from an Ela teacher perspective it’s not the best answer I’ve seen But but but you have expressed an opinion right and what CLE now is
(14:09) just trying to give you is okay this is a good opinion like how can we make this a great answer okay first just find one specific character who likes to drive and then explain why driving is an important theme and then add some details right so I think this is a good preview of just like the activities in cure there are so many activities here there is drawing activities with

AI feedback but essentially like this sums up what Curipod does for you as a teacher.  It first helps you build your lesson and then it helps you deliver that
(14:46) lesson in an extremely engaging way

and I typically what I hear and see from teachers all the time is that they come for the AI That’s what teacher have heard about they they’ve heard about either oh you can create a lessons with AI or you have a feedback

they stay for the engagement

right that’s at the core what it’s all about getting the students to participate in the classroom and then of course there are other features here as well I think one feature that people tend to really love is when you’ve built a lesson with Curipod.

If (15:19) you have ELL students in your class you can just go down here translate and then translate it to any language you want oh and do the students it in a particular language or is everybody seeing it in that language it depends how like what most teachers do is that they just download the translated version and put it in their LMS because they want to be teaching and they kind of don’t want the students they want the students main attention still to be on the English slides but they want them to have the opportunity to to glance at
(15:49) some translated slides as well

okay right um showing you going back to the homepage and kind of the get lesson what we checked out now was the generate lesson um another really easy to get started feature here is to Curipod my slides if you click Curipod my slides instead of just writing a prompt what you can do is you can upload any lesson you’ve already made so any slide that you have as PowerPoint PDF Google Drive you can upload it and then you can click get lesson now instead of making your full lesson what cot does now is that it
(16:26) reads all of your slide decks and it makes Curipod activities to go with [Music] them let’s see what it creates here

I’m excited
yeah me too

because I never know what it’s going to create I think the lesson I uploaded was a lesson on the Stone Age let’s see here coming oh it’s always coming always knows when I’m showing it to other people so it knows when to take its its time yeah without a doubt I’m trying to show somebody something when it’s okay here it is so this of course this is a lesson from the I uploaded
(17:30) okay and then Curipod created an uh a b ring reactivity for this just share what you already know about so okay and then it kept one of the slides and it created a poll question kept some slides it created an AI whiteboard question and then it created a brain break because kids need Brain Breaks okay so basically this is just another way of getting getting started to build your cut lesson it’s the same tool right it’s just a different way to approach it instead of going in with generate a lesson you just tell what you
(18:07) want to teach and cot builds it and this one you just show Cod what you already have and cod makes activities for you and they’re editable yes everything can be edited then the other categories you see here is can show you this so prepare for testing here there is a of free plan and school plan things uh but you can see here that we have test preps for so many state so so many Texas we have star and T pass uh we have the WEA test which is one of the most used y tests throughout Stars you’re in California right now we have
(18:51) the Casp here but

all of this is using AI like the same AI feedback feature I just showed you it’s using to give feedback with the rubrics of that text

okay so it’s a great way to do test prep at scale that’s part of the free so we typically you can see there are free and paid uh paid test preps so you go to Star for instance if it’s if it’s that little Crown it’s on school plan but there are these here that that aren’t like this is on the free plan this the free plan yeah uh but a great way of starting to use
(19:33) your world and then the last thing

I wanted to show you in here is the writing skills Series so here we have a series of five minute writing practices they’re all free and then we have longer practices for argumentative informational narrative writing which is similar to the test prep some are on the free plan somewhere around the school time and I can show you for instance one of these um uh let’s take a look let’s find fun five minute Writing Practice to do here we’ve launched so many new ones that I yeah there’s a lot in there yeah
(20:10) I want to see if I can find let’s do this one winter migration right now okay so I’ll click get lesson and I’ll select uh grade level this this is just a Lexile level both on the lesson and the feedback okay and now it’s building it here okay so instead of going through it I’ll just go straight into starting it and okay so I can start this lesson and argument with evidence winter migration so all of these right now practices one writing skill uh so this is using arguments with evidence uh and so we have a text here
(21:05) imagine your school is going virtual in January and your family gets to spend the month in a uh different US city after collecting average temperature precipation and sunlight for six cities you know where you want to go and where you don’t write an argument for the city you want to visit use data from the chart to support your answer so when I start this uh I can start writing here I can start let’s let’s add a few mistakes as well I want to visit Chicago I always wanted to see the city and the average and it has Sun for eight
(21:59) hours per day so I can submit this one and now I can click give feedback okay so I was in the middle of answering it didn’t exclude me from answering you just grabb my answer yes so if teacher ended early it still keeps everything and I it Curipod check the chart again so I did not read the chart correctly corly and again since I finished you up early here it says remember to use data from the chart right because there is no data from the chart in what you wrote so again like these are different ways of doing it but if you go
(22:44) to um get lesson building writing skills there’s like so many great right now activities awesome great okay okay so let’s take a pause there

I think that’s kind of a good General introduction to Curipod yeah no it was a great introduction.

I like how just it’s ready to to start using right away I like the it has a prompt Builder so I don’t have to oh what prompt do I want to do yeah uh yeah no and I I love that that allows all the students to have a voice which is one of my big proponents for using Technologies is I
(23:26) actually code like my Google slides to allow everybody to respond to a Google form and it goes in there but obviously that’s not easy to set up and it doesn’t have right I of styles to it it’s it’s just a simple question so yeah and I think to me it’s kind of we we talked about kind of the student Pace versus like I I like to call it like I know that the the default word so far has been teacher Pace I really love the word classroom paste right because it’s not it’s not the teacher that pastes Curipod right

the teacher starts the activity but but it’s
(23:59) it’s really the classroom as a whole that that keeps the pace here and I think this is so important because like don’t misunderstand me I love AI right like it’s been a core part of my own product I I use it for so many things myself but but I think I think it has also supercharged what I think is a scary direction for education to go which is that kind of the student based Solutions which the student based Solutions are great for what they’re like like when l was introduced it was amazing right because it was an
(24:38) intervention tool right and as like as a one hour week intervention tool IXL is amazing is it great for like eight hours a day practice

I have my strong opinions on that opinions as well

yeah and uh I think we’ve kind of we’ve moved so much towards like and I see like AI chat Bots that there are great opportunities for it right but

but it’s a huge problem if if that’s where education is leading if it’s like students every student learning on their own because the real problem that happens when students learn
(25:15) on their own pace which is there are amazing things with that as well but the problem is they don’t work on the same activities so what should they talk about right that’s to me the core problem so

Curipod we try to be a very strong advocate for solving differentiation not by necessarily let having all the students work in different stuff but rather differentiating how do we give them feedback how do we bring them on.

like yeah that’s that’s to me what this is all about oh yeah I I agree with that and and I I’ve always been a big proponent
(25:47) of that too is that uh technology shouldn’t just be personal learning is not self-paced like everyone just doing it at their own pace you know we come to school to be together and it should be about that conversations and that you’re able to take the lesson in a different direction fluidly which is really difficult to do when you’re locked into something that’s that’s already pre-built so so that’s nice that it really drives around student conversations I like the the voting element to it uh is the eight mathematical practices built into Curipod by
(26:17) any chance good question so um when someone asks me like that I typically say I think cods can be your core tool if you’re teaching ELA science social studies and IES for math it works amazingly for some parts and you should not use it for all parts that’s so what what does it work really well for in math so it works really well for kind of H activating knowledge like what like basically getting the students to try to share what they know it works amazing for literacy within math both when it comes to like some of the best use cases
(26:56) I’ve seen has been um I met a teacher in Texas who used the open question activity we just did with voting with uh she gave an equation and then all the students were supposed to write a word problem to go with a question okay right focuses on like like your your skills at kind of understanding math at a deeper level and also just explaining it right actually having to put words on math so everything like that it’s amazing for um when it comes to practicing learning how to kind of just learning how to do an
(27:31) equation yes you can use it I think there are better tools out there I think that’s kind of the the trade of with math is that math also needs some really specialized tools because the didactics behind math is so different uh from like you you need you need graph tools you need amazing H yeah there are some some challenges there and I think I would like at some point CLE to be that tool for math but I think it’s long way until it’s like it’s the your core math tool

yeah I’m a math teacher so you know

I got yeah yeah know it’s we’re and I
(28:07) think it’s like I think it’s I think it’s important to acknowledging what it’s good and what it’s not the best at right I think there are great for everything and and this is your full classroom solution is a solution for these interactive elements of of helping Drive some conversation

does the results export to a spreadsheet by any chance?

yeah yes they do so but they do more than that actually let me go in and share so if we go to our report page what do we have here okay so here I have a report page and yes you can share it in two
(28:48) different way you can download this as a spreadsheet or you can copy the link and kind of get as a URL

but what’s really cool with Curipod is I’m not seeing I’m sorry where did you it’s still just on the lesson page are you showing something else oh maybe I am let me see here we are here’s here we go okay great so you can click share and download it as a spreadsheet okay

but what’s really cool is like as with other report Pages you can like look what the students wrote look through the different activities but the real value is that
(29:24) you can click generate insights and what you do then is you tell Curipod was the lesson objective was or the learning objective and then

Curipod summarizes what was the most common understandings and misconceptions

that’s nice um and this really takes away like why do we do exit tickets right it’s because we don’t have time to review everything the students did within the lesson so we want to kind of get the summary like what did I take away from this lesson um this takes away that need you can also go and analyze it on a
(29:56) student specific level okay so you can see kind of generate grow and Clow uh comments for each students all right and yeah there’s more to be built here but yeah this this this way of kind of driving insights into your next lessons it’s it’s been super powerful oh

well that’s awesome well thanks for sharing this with me I love how simple it is and so they just go to
(30:27) com great

okay and then you have a community where do people connect to great question so we’re active uh on almost all social media platform we have a Facebook group um you you’ll find us all there and then oh yeah now you’re actually touching on equally important to share uh so I recommend finding us on social media but I also encourage every educator to just know that we have a chat button down here and that’s the only place in curable you don’t find any AI uh so you just click on the chat button and send us a message and we’re
(31:06) open all us business hour and what’s so cool about this chat is that it’s the real team that’s there so it’s not some outsourced customer support it’s everyone in Cur takes four hour shifts every week Manning it so you can come to me as a Founder you can come to let’s see who is in here now Rachel she is the sign signing so much of our curriculum Lexi she is head of our us operations there is like the great thing about this is that you come to the people who build it so your feedback is the feedback loop is short but what I also encourage
(31:40) people to do is you don’t need to you don’t need to wait until you find a problem to write it there you can just write the first time you log in hey I’m a new science teacher I’m trying to find a way to use carod do you have any ideas for me we would be happy to help out oh that’s amazing I love that because I would expect it to be a bot yes no no Bots there and it’s that it’s the best part of the day when you man that chat so we have Scott made a comment he said it was a great demo as a former social studies teacher in middle school
(32:09) and high school I see this as a tremendous tool for social studies classes especially in putting together strong evidence for debates oh Scott you’re like warming my heart there I love evidence or understanding different historical PP different historical perspectives like George Washington and George II yeah thanks for that Scott that’s a I think that’s such a strong yeah I think such a strong use case for it and again it’s about getting the students to to voice their opinion I think we’re we’re very we’re very influenced by
(32:47) uh by the no like as some people might hear in my accent I’m not from the US right I’m I’m from Norway and we are heavily influenced by the educational system of Norway as well even though we’re building from the US education system and and I think what the biggest difference between the Norwegian and the US education system is that we have a different form of testing which means we can test for other types of skills uh which means that discussion critical thinking they’re even even more kind of tested for in Norway um and I think like
(33:24) most education system are moving that way and like we want to be the best tool for that that’s basically that future 21st century skills uh thinking oh that’s great so you’re you’re adding more features is where we’re at right now but it sounds to me like you’ve got some other ideas on the on the horizon there are so many so many ideas there um I think oh the coolest upand coming features right now is we’re updating for everyone out there who’s using Cod for reading and writing we’re upgrading the paragraph reading Tools in
(33:55) Curipod which will make it a lot easier for Curipod or students to work with Tex s okay that’s awesome now I found Lexi she’s on Blue Sky and Rachel is on on there are you on blue sky I’m on my process of setting oh I’m going to set it up this week I think it’s on my list it’s on my list I wanted to tag Curipod and I’m I’m big into bluesky so uh but there’s no Curipod account official so I’m just gonna I think it’s I think it’s on the to-do list for this week probably that’s H so we’ll make sure to send it to you it’s it’s the hard tradeoffs of
(34:37) the game it’s there is so much to do but there’s so many it’s hard to get on all the platforms I I hear you it’s uh yeah I I didn’t have I had Facebook maybe before I started carot and but uh now I need to have them all but uh and I’m loving it like I have to say it’s the best part of my day to scroll social media and just see what teachers are writing see them sharing stories from their classroom yeah it’s it’s the best part well awesome well thank you for sharing thank you for your time thank you so much for having me eaten by an alligator
(35:12) yes that’s I actually got that advice like I was uh trying to suggest to one of my American colleagues that I will take a run I wake up early when I’m just came over from Norway so I typically start my day at like 34 yeah yeah and then I was like going for a run and I was like yeah it’s dark you kind of don’t want to run through that like by that Lake in the evening yeah I’m I I think she had a good point so yeah I I’ll I’ll stay safe from alligators that’s a good idea I was just in Florida Miami recently and went out to the
(35:43) Everglades and there was definitely alligators close enough that I was though there’s a kind of offence but not a real one so they’re there well thank you so much for having me I hope you have a great evening bye thank you so much bye

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