How to Quickly Make a QR Code

Quickly make a QR code in Chrome! Here are some quick options.

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
How to Quickly Make a QR Code

Probably you have used a QR code before. This square with a pixelated array of dots allows you to use your phone to open a website. This makes it easier to share a website on a poster than relying on the person typing in. Many smart phones now allow you to use your camera app to scan a QR code, saving you from finding the QR reader. However, how do you MAKE a QR code? There are many websites that will make one for you, but do you really want to sign up for an account or track down the site every time? Luckily, if you are a Chrome user, it can be easy to make a QR code right on the website. 

Using Google Chrome to Make a QR Code

Chrome will make QR codes for you!! Students using Chromebooks can use this capability to quickly share their projects with the class. As you are reading this, the methods may have changed. Recently Google removed the QR code creator from the address bar, leading some to think the capability was removed. NOT SO! It was just moved. And possibly the methods I show you below might change also. Follow the #GoogleEDU feed on Bluesky for updated tips. 

I went live to share how to make QR codes in Google Chrome. 

screenshot of Google Chrome menu with arrow at the 3 dots to show the share options with a box around qr code option.

3 Dots Menu

“Create QR Code” is not gone, it is just buried deep under the 3 dots menu in Chrome. (Keep reading for faster methods). 

In the upper right of Chrome notice there are 3 dots. Click on this to reveal a Chrome menu. Choose the option for “Cast, Save, and Share.” This reveals a submenu with the option to “Create QR Code.” 

I have been doing this, but it has felt really annoying to have it buried so deep in the menu. 

Right Click in Chrome

Another quick way to create a QR code in Google Chrome is to simply RIGHT CLICK! Right clicking on a website has the option in the right click menu to create a QR code. 

Customize Chrome

I am so excited about this update that now allows you to customize the Chrome toolbar. One of the customization options is to quickly make a QR code for the current webpage. 

In the Chrome settings you can choose to customize the Chrome toolbar. This provides you with a long list of toggle switches for what you want to show in the toolbar. Do you want the home button? Chrome doesn’t have a home button, but if you miss it, you can put it back just like the old days. One of the toggles is to add a QR code creator to the toolbar. This puts the QR code icon next to your Chrome extensions. This creates a single click solution to creating a QR code. 

Find other ways to customize your Chrome toolbar. Drag the buttons on the toolbar to further customize your Chrome experience. 

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