Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice Keeler

Who Didn’t Respond to a Google Form

Giving a Google Form can leave you needing to know who didn't respond to a Google Form. Missing From Add-on helps you solve this mystery.
Who Didn’t Respond to a Google Form

You put out a Google Form and you have some responses. However, who didn’t respond to a Google Form? Checking through the list of responses to see who is missing is certainly unfun. As a teacher with maybe 200 students, this is a regular need but who has time for that? Use my Add-on to organize Form responses. 

Missing From Add-on by AliceKeeler

I have been adding some new features to my Add-ons. My most recent updates are to the Missing From Add-on for Google Sheets. This is intended for spreadsheets that are connected to a Google Form to help you with tracking down who did not answer the Form. 

Start with a Google Form

MAKE SURE YOUR FORM COLLECTS EMAIL ADDRESSES! You can modify the settings for Google Forms that all new Forms default to collecting email address, I recommend this. 

Link to a Google Sheets Spreadsheet

 A copy of Google Form responses are sent to a spreadsheet when you select the option on the Responses tab. 

Install Missing From Add-on

If you have installed the Add-on you can find the Missing From Add-on in the Extensions menu. 

Add a Sheet with Expected Participants

The only way to know who didn’t respond to a Google Form is to provide a list of who should respond. Insert a sheet into the same spreadsheet that has the Google Form responses. Be sure to label the email column. 

Books by Alice Keeler

Available on Amazon or in bulk order.

Setup the Participant List

You can use the “Setup” option in the Missing From Add-on to add a sheet with an “Email Addresses” column. However, you can add your own sheet that includes a list of emails. You can have additional columns and formatting to help you to organize participant information. 

Important: Participant List Needs to Be the Active Sheet

Make sure you are looking at the sheet with the expected participants list. This active sheet will be compared to the Form Responses sheet. 

⚠️ Caution, by default Form Responses tabs start with the word “Form.” This is what my code is looking for. Changing the tab name will cause the Add-on to not work.

Count Missing

One of the Add-on options is a pop up to let you know how many responses you are still waiting on. Click on “Count” in the sidebar. 

Show Missing

If you want the exact list of who did not fill out the Google Form you can use the option to “Show missing.” This is revealed in a pop up message. 

Upgraded Features

Upgrading for only $5 a year helps support me to continue to improve this Add-on and other Add-ons for teachers. If you are a Premium Teacher Tech member you can access premium features for free. 

List Missing

The list option adds a new sheet with the list of email addresses that have not yet filled out the Form. 

Copy and Remove

Instead of simply listing the email addresses the “Copy and Remove” option duplicates the active sheet. So long as there is an email column, this list will be compared against the Form responses. Rows with matching email addresses to submissions will be deleted. This leaves you a list of who did NOT fill out the form. The advantage is if you have names or other participant information, that is still paired with their email address. 

Organize Submissions

As always, ensure that the active sheet is the list of expected participants. Using the “Organize” option the participants list will be compared to the submissions and organized into 4 categories: Missing, Submitted, Unexpected, and Repeats.

The unexpected list of email addresses are the ones who submitted the Form but were not on the expected participants list. 

The list of repeats will just list who submitted more than once, they will also be listed on the submitted list. 

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