Magnetic Refrigerator Poetry is when you have a bunch of tiny magnets with words on them. Taking the available words, arrange the magnets into a poem. Kasey Bell has created a digital version of this in Google Drawings. This is awesome, but if you want to create poetry with specific vocabulary words it can take some time to modify the magnets. I have modified Seating Chart Slides to now allow you to create the “magnets” much more quickly.
Magnet Feature in Seating Chart Slides by Alice Keeler
I have coded a way to take words or sentences in a Google Doc and magically turn them into Google Slides. Doc to Slides turns each paragraph into an individual slide. In contrast, Seating Chart Slides creates a rectangle with the word or sentence on it. These are all created on the same slide. One use for this obviously is creating seating charts. However, this ability can be used in many ways. One is to create refrigerator poetry in Google Slides.
Create Refrigerator Poetry
Start with a Google Doc with a list of the vocabulary words you want to make available to students. Try this sample Google Doc for an example.
Create Magnets
From the sidebar, choose the bottom option. Click on “Create Magnets.” This will automatically create a new Google Slides.
Create a copy of sample Google Slides with magnets.
Subset of the Words or Phrases
Each time you hit the “Enter” key in your Google Doc is what determines a new textbox. You can have short phrases or individual words on each line in the Google Doc. Choosing “Create Google Slides” will add a rectangle for ALL the words. The idea for the “Create Magnets” is to have a SUBSET of the words.
A pop up will ask you how many words/phrases you want per slide. Choose a number smaller than the total number of lines in the Google Doc. You will also be prompted for how many versions you want to create.
Reuse Google Slides
In the sidebar is the option to paste the link to a Google Slides you already have. This will add fresh slides, with magnets, to the Google Slides you already have.
Image of Refrigerator
Tip: use the View menu and select Theme Builder. Add an image of a refrigerator to the background.
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- Seating Chart Slides
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