Reflection is important to all of us. 2020/2021 was a crazy school year. Some things were good, some things made us want to quit. Now that we are done (or almost done) with the school year, take a little time to look back at what did work and that you want to use again. And what did not work.
Google Classroom (coming soon for Canvas)
If you are a Google Classroom user you can review your assignments and the engagement statistics on Schoolytics. I believe that data is NOT a 4 letter word. That when used in a timely manner can improve student learning because I CHANGE now what I am doing with my students based on this data. OLD data to me is the problem.
Disclaimer: I am working part time as a math teacher and part timer as a coder/developer for Schoolytics.
3 Lines Menu
Click on the 3 lines menu in the upper left of Schoolytics.

Instructional Resources
Select “Instructional Resources” from the drop down menu.

Select Courses
On the left side you will notice a list of your Google Classroom courses.

Review Assignment Statistics
Selecting the class you want to review reveals assignment cards that not only allows you to reuse an assignment, it shows you some information about the assignment.

Review through the assignments from last year and see what worked and what you want to improve.
Reusing Assignments
In the fall when you are looking to reuse assignments from your class last year, try using Schoolytics. You can read the entire description and see the attachments before determining you want to reuse. One challenge I have when reusing assignments in Google Classroom is it only gives me the assignment title and I can’t always remember from that if it is exactly what I am looking for to reuse. Schoolytics lets me know what exactly the assignment describes and allows me to review the attachments before I reuse (click on the icons).
Another challenge when reusing assignments in Google Classroom is the scrolling. You reuse one assignment and then have to repeat the scrolling to return back to the spot where you want to reuse the next assignment. Schoolytics solves this problem. Reusing a post to Google Classroom maintains your position on the list of assignments, allowing you to quickly and easily reuse another assignment.