Google Classroom Clean-Up! Be Ready for Next Year

Join Alice Keeler for cleaning up your Google Classroom at the end of the school year.

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Google Classroom Clean-Up! Be Ready for Next Year

As the school year has winded down, let’s take a few minutes to clean up the Google Classroom classes to be ready for next year. Check out the webinar. This is a sponsored event by OTIS. You will need to register for a free account with OTIS.

Why Use Google Classroom?

Do not recreate the wheel every year! What did we do with students this year that we can update or reuse next year? Organize and prepare those assignments for the Fall.

Student Work Samples

As a mom I only have so much room on my fridge for my kids work. Just like I can not save and display everything my kid does, as a teacher I also need to find those few student work samples I can share with next years classes and then purge the rest from my Google Drive.

Reset Your Google Forms

No need to make copies of your Google Forms. Keep your Google Drive clean by resetting the Google Forms and reusing them next year.

Join OTIS – Join the Webinar

This webinar is sponsored by OTIS. Learn more about OTIS for educators is an online professional learning platform that offers courses on how to effectively integrate technology into instruction. Between our on-demand PD library and calendar of live sessions, we make it easy to access hundreds of courses, with topics on STEM, SEL, literacy, ENL/ELL, and more. We are a Google for Education Partner, Microsoft Training Partner, and ISTE Standards-aligned. 

  1. On-demand
    With professional learning available anytime online, OTIS offers greater flexibility for teachers to complete the PD they need
  2. Library of hundreds of courses
    It’s easy to find OTIS courses with relevant content, based on your skill level and technology needs. OTIS is a great alternative to “one-size fits all” PD.
  3. Upload content
    Customize PD to your school’s needs by adding your own videos. Use OTIS as a place to host the in-house PD that’s essential for your school.
  4. “Ask OTIS”
    Connect directly via chat, email, or a scheduled call for instructional technology support. Get your questions answered quickly by one of our PD specialists.
  5. Rostering
    Reduce the time it takes to create and manage staff accounts with secure/automated rostering with ClassLink integration.
  6. Single Sign-On
    No additional passwords to remember, staff can access OTIS with their existing credentials using Google or Clever SSO
  7. ISTE Alignment
    When you see the ISTE Seal of Alignment, you’ll know the resource or tool provides a high-quality, standards-aligned learning experience that enhances students’ digital age skills.

Find Files in Class Folder

Any files you upload to a Google Classroom class are organized into the class folder. Reorganize them for easier reuse.

Return Assignments

Google Classroom is designed for returning student work. Return all student work in assignments.

Delete Student Work

When you search your Google Drive ALL files are searched, including student work. If you do not need to save the work samples, delete them from Drive.

Export to Spreadsheet

Save your Google Classroom data by exporting it to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Remove Students

Warning, when you remove a student from Google Classroom you lose the data you have for that student. In most cases this is not a problem. You may want to remove all students from your Google Classroom class before archiving.

Decide Which Assignments to Reuse

You probably do not want to reuse everything you did this last year. Determine which classroom assignments are worth using again, which were a flop, and which were on the fly and can be removed.

Move to the Top

When you reuse assignments they will be listed in the order of the Google Classroom Stream. Try moving old assignments to the top to make them faster to find in the Fall.

Archive Your Class

You can still reuse assignments from an archived class. Do not delete the class, simply archive it.


Unfortunately when you copy a Google Classroom class it copies everything. Copies your directions. Copies your screenshots. Copies your videos. This makes a giant mess of your Google Drive. Do not use the “Copy your class” option on the class tile.

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