Posted by Erin Whalen
Are you an educator who strives to be better each day? The type of teacher who is always seeking new ideas? Maybe you’re the only teacher in your school for your grade level or content area and need colleagues beyond those four walls? Enter Twitter.
Twitter is FREE!
Twitter is free to join and there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of teachers on Twitter. Each day teachers are sharing ideas freely with their fellow educators. Lots of ideas! Over four million education related tweets are posted every day.
Create an Account
Before creating your account, think of a few options for your handle, or username. You want something that is easy to remember and is clearly you. Cutesy names may be fun, but remember you are reaching out to educators all over the world, not just your circle of friends. A handle such as “@hunnybunny” is not exactly professional. Have a few backups in mind in case your preferred handle is already in use.
Write a Mini-Bio
Once you have created an account, be sure to add a mini-biography to your profile. This will help other teachers find you, especially if you include hashtags. Hashtags are searchable so if you teach 5th grade, you might include #5thGrade in your bio. Bios can be changed/updated anytime. Check out the bios of other teachers to get ideas. Even in only a few characters you can describe yourself in a fun and interesting way.
Start Following
There are lots of great teachers to follow on Twitter. To find educators to follow, and therefore see their tweets in your feed, begin with teachers you know. Follow them, see who they follow, and so on. Search for hashtags that are relevant to you such as #edchat #edtech or #scienceteachers and follow the teachers you find there. Do a Google search for “Teachers to follow on Twitter.” Many bloggers have created lists of teachers to follow.
You can take your time and slowly wade in but don’t stay on the sideline. Get started today at twitter.com or by downloading the app on your phone.