By Guest Blogger, Melody McAllister

Holly Clark & Alice Keeler join me as we talk about Clark’s newest, number one release, The Chromebook Infused Classroom!
If you want to be part of her August Professional Development and a whole slew of extras, sign up at
Just in time for this new school year, a school year we are desperately preparing for, Holly Clark’s newest release, The Chromebook Infused Classroom, is out and ready to help us prepare for the coming school year! When asked this morning about what inspired her, it was the many educators she has encountered that needed help using the Chromebooks in their classrooms. Holly Clark is on a mission to help educators teach in a way that upgrades our practices to prepare kids for their future, for jobs and technology we haen’t even wrapped our minds around, yet!
In her book, she dedicates a chapter on assessment, which she is passionate about. She wants students to be able to express what they’re learning and use their unique voice. And those apps we love? She shows us how to include those, too! The entire book is geared towards helping teachers transform their classroom, whether virtual or face to face, into student-centered environments. Pandemic or not, this is the shift many of us are drawn to when we think about best practices and amplifying student voice and choice.
Also, if you are on a mission, like me, to empower parents to help their children, our students, this book is great for them, too! One of the biggest hurdles in communication is speaking the same technological language when it comes to teaching and student learning. Holly suggests that parents read this too and it would make a huge difference for parents trying to help their students in this coming year, where a hybrid schedule seems to be what districts across the country are turning to.
If you want to be part of her August Professional Development and a whole slew of extras, sign up at