If your school is using Microsoft O365 and Microsoft Teams join me for some webinars on using these tools. These webinars are sponsored by Microsoft.
[tweet]Visit alicekeeler.com/microsoft for #microsoftEDU webinars and resources[/tweet]
Registration is not required. The link to join the webinars are on the alicekeeler.com/microsoft page for you to click on for the webinars. The webinars are done in Microsoft Teams Live Events. You do not need to install the Teams desktop app, but you may want to. If you would like to be notified of the events with an email reminder please fill out the form.
Video archives of the webinars will be posted on my YouTube channel. Find them in the MicrosoftEDU playlist.
Thank you to the amazing @alicekeeler for creating the best ‘micro-PD’ YouTube playlist ever on @MicrosoftTeams for Education! ?
— Justin Chando (@justinchando) April 20, 2020
Check out the full playlist ⏩ https://t.co/YNV0n4YpiK#MicrosoftEDU pic.twitter.com/om2YBiwyqZ