Microsoft Teams is the perfect tool for learning be it in person or remote. If your school is using Office 365 get started with interacting with your students through Teams. Teams allows you to create assignments, give feedback, see student work BEFORE they submit and after, give a score, and most importantly to connect and interact with your students.

In Partnership with Microsoft, I have created a playlist of videos to help you get started with Microsoft Teams. Each video is really short to help you target exactly that skill you need. Click “Play All” in the playlist to view it as an extended tutorial.
See Your Students
One of the most important things we can be doing right now is connecting with our students. I seriously think nothing is better than Teams for this. The first focus of Teams is interactions. The Posts tab is where you can chat with your students, they can ask for help, and assignments are announced there.
[tweet]The video conferencing with your students in Microsoft Teams is amazing![/tweet] Built right in and so incredibly easy to use! It announces right to the Posts tab in Teams. So you have zero effort to help students get in to the online session.

Teams was initially designed for business employees to work better together. So it is surprising to some teachers that Microsoft Teams has an education portion to it. You create a Team for your class and your Education Edition of Teams builds in the ability to create Assignments. It couldn’t be easier. Click on the Assignments tab at the top and click on the Create button. Give your students directions, it announces to the Posts tab in the General channel.

More Help Getting Started
1) Microsoft EDU Remote Learning site: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/education/remote-learning
2) Teams EDU Quick Start: https://aka.ms/TeamsEDUQuickGuide
3) Sign up for the Teams Remote Learning community: https://aka.ms/JoinRemoteLearningCommunity