Microsoft Teams Feedback Box

Feedback in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams Feedback Box

Expand the Feedback Box

I had completely forgotten I had chatted with the Microsoft Teams team awhile time back. Recently, I made a blog post on 5 things I Like About Microsoft Teams. One of the things I mentioned was how easy it was to give feedback from the roster in an assignment. Turns out this was my idea 🙂 No wonder I liked it.

Assignment Roster

In Teams, when selecting an assignment, it opens up to the assignment roster. There I can see the status of any student as “Viewed” or ‘Turned in.” Clicking on the feedback icon expands out a box right below the students name. This allows me with minimum mouse dragging to quickly write a feedback note. The feedback is auto saved. So no extra click to post the comment.

Non Digital Work

I am a fan of putting EVERYTHING into Teams, digital or not. This allows for students who are absent to know “what did I miss?” But more importantly, it gives you a chance to give digital feedback.

Say for example you put an assignment in Microsoft Teams to “Chat with your group about different types of quadrilaterals.” Have open the assignment in Teams and use the feedback icon on the roster to make observations. “Great job keeping the conversation going.” “Not making good choices today, I hope tomorrow will be better.”

Submitting Evidence

“Everything is digital when you can take a picture of it” – Jon Corippo

When activities are listed in Teams students have the chance to submit digital evidence. I had my students create a Word document in the assignment using the “Add file” option. In the Word document I asked them to summarize what they did that day. If it was digital work I had them add some screenshots. They could also submit a picture if they had one.

Sidebar Feedback

If students have included a Word document, or other file type, it opens quickly in the feedback tool. A side panel opens up next to the Word document along with the feedback box. This is the same feedback box when leaving feedback from the assignment roster.

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