Visualize Your Feedback with QuickShare Screenshot

Quickshare screenshot visualize feedback
Visualize Your Feedback with QuickShare Screenshot
QuickShare Screenshot

Try the QuickShare Screenshot when Leaving Feedback

Using Google Apps is a paradigm shift for many reasons. One is the ability to be in the same document at the same time. You ALWAYS have the right version. This really is a game changer. The one “drawback” is that when you leave comments in the Private Comments of Google Classroom or in an email the comments may not match the updates by the time the person reads your comment.

“Rethink using yellow font in the slides.”

So you send an email about the yellow font but the person already updated the slides and the comment no longer is relevant for what the document looks like now.

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QuickShare Screenshot Chrome Extension

Click here to install

Student Feedback

When giving students feedback, providing feedback while they work on the document is the most effective. I leave students comments in the Private Comments of Google Classroom. “This is blank, please get started.” But now the document is not blank when they see the comment and the student gets grouchy.

Take a Screenshot

A picture is worth 1000 words. Sometimes my comment is not clearly communicating what I am seeing. I am in the habit of when I look at student work I take a screenshot. This way when I see a blank document I paste a link to the screenshot of the blank document to the student so they can see that when I looked at the document, it was indeed blank.

Take a full or partial screenshot shot with chrome extension

While viewing student work, click on the QuickShare Screenshot Chrome extension. Choose “Take full screen” or “Take partial screen.”

Saves to Google Drive

With no effort, the screenshot saves to Google Drive. Now you can easily add that screenshot to Google Classroom by clicking the Drive icon or to Google Docs or Slides by using the Insert menu to insert an image from Drive.

Link Copied to Clipboard

AUTOMATICALLY the link to the screenshot is copied to your clipboard. No extra clicks. Control V Paste the link to the screenshot wherever you are giving student feedback.

Change the Sharing Permissions

One time only, you will need to change the sharing permissions to the Quickshare folder in Google Drive. By default the screenshots are private, which would prevent the student from seeing the screenshot.

Locate the folder in Google Drive. Single click on the folder and if you like keyboard shortcuts press the period. Otherwise use the toolbar to change the sharing permissions to ANYONE with the link can view.

Once the folder permissions are changed this automatically changes the sharing permissions in Google Drive as well.

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