Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice Keeler

Consumer Math for the 21st Century

consumer math for the 21st Century
Consumer Math for the 21st Century

consumer math for the 21st Century

What Should be Consumer Math?

Recently I was looking up consumer math online. Specifically, I was looking for a curriculum that utilized spreadsheets. Not that I exhausted all of the options, but many of the ones I looked at were horribly outdated. So what should be included in a consumer math program for the 21st century?


I started a Google Site to brainstorm ideas. Think about our Kindergarteners who will graduate in 2031. Writing checks won’t be a thing then, what types of things will we need to prepare them for? I’ll work on building this into some free resources. If you have any ideas or resources please contribute.



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