Use Camera in G Suite
“Everything is digital when you can take a picture of it.” – Jon Corippo
I love paper. Lots of good reasons to use paper and do paper things. Or use manipulatives. Or create non digital projects. One thing I love about Google Slides is the ability to collaborate and provide feedback. Google Slides thus creates a good option for making non digital stuff digital. Taking a picture of the non digital stuff allows for feedback conversations, peer evaluation, ease of sharing of student work, and keeping a record of student work when the activity and project has passed.
Document Learning in Google Slides
For non-digital activities consider having students take pictures of their progress (not just the end product) and add to a Google Slides. I want to get students into the habit of reflecting on their learning and this is as easy as adding a textbox to a slide. The Google Slides mobile app is amazing. Students can use their phone or tablet to take photos and add it directly to a Google Slides slide or they can add it later by adding the pictures from the camera roll.
Insert Image
For non mobile users (Chromebooks, PC, Mac, etc…) students can use the webcam to insert pictures of their work. Use the Insert menu or the image icon in the toolbar and choose “Camera.” This is a fast and easy way to capture student learning into Google Slides.
Quarter Sheets of Paper
I am a fan of using quarter sheets of paper because they are the perfect size for holding up to the webcam, or holding under a mobile camera, to insert into Google Slides.
Revise… Add Another Slide
Slides are great because you can add another slide! As a teacher, I can insert a slide with a picture of something I wrote on paper onto the slide or a screenshot of a web resource or tool, or insert a short video where I give some verbal feedback to the student. The student can also add another slide. I prefer students NOT delete or edit their work but rather show their progress and learning. Duplicate the slide to edit a textbox or add a new slide to add a new picture of revised work.
Link to Revision
Each slide has a unique URL. When a student adds a slide with a revision they can copy the link to that slide and submit the link to specifically that slide. When you click on the student’s link it takes you specifically to the slide with the revision without you having to scroll through all their work again. Note: If you are a Google Classroom user they will need to paste that link into the Private Comments instead of using the “Add Link.”