Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice Keeler

Google Classroom: Provide Links

live links in Google Classroom
Google Classroom: Provide Links

live links in Google Classroom

Google Classroom: Provide Links

I love using Google Classroom private comments to provide additional resources to students on as needed basis. While Google Classroom does not have a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) toolbar, you can provide hyperlinks to students.
wysiwyg toolbar in wordpress


The trick is to include the http:// when typing web URL’s.

NO: alicekeeler.com

YES: https://www.alicekeeler.com

include the http:// in the private comments


Live links in Google Classroom can be in the description, the class comments or in private comments. Just remember to include the http://

put live links into description or class comments of google classroom


You can plus mention email addresses in comments to alert specific people. Start with the plus sign and type the students email address. Notice that the plus mention is also a live hyperlink.

Short URL’s

Short URL’s can be very helpful in Google Classroom. Pasting a Google Doc link is long and ugly. Using something like goo.gl, tinyurl.com, or bit.ly. Short URL’s are also great for students submitting collaborative work. This circumvents Google Classroom checking for ownership of the document, thus allowing a student to turn in a link to group work.

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