I was taking a look at Jo Boaler’s Twitter feed and she had some good stuff worth sharing. Dr. Boaler is a professor out of Stanford who is doing some leading edge stuff in mathematics. Check out her best selling book “Mathematical Mindsets” on Amazon. I also really like this article by Dr. Boaler on the importance of number sense, not speed with math facts.
Is there ever a room big enough for fans of @joboaler ? @NCTM , should have held this session at @SFGiants ballpark! pic.twitter.com/e6yPljneL4
— Victor Tam (@PrincipalTam) April 15, 2016
Here is the must read paper for maths teachers and parents: https://t.co/ehWfyemiGq Amazing new brain science. pic.twitter.com/ikHIzxSHke
— Jo Boaler (@joboaler) April 12, 2016
Our parent/guardian flyer is now available in Spanish as well as English:https://t.co/c0dH2vImmA pic.twitter.com/JhaAgpiWcd
— Jo Boaler (@joboaler) March 29, 2016
Using fingers is not bad
Pushing our thinking about the use of fingers in math @joboaler #NCTMannual pic.twitter.com/vTTDvtMlyG
— Allan Stevenson (@SunriseMathMan) April 15, 2016
Why Kids Should Keep Using Theirs Fingers to do Math @joboaler @TheAtlantic https://t.co/4TlxgDWhN5 #edchat #NCTM16 pic.twitter.com/LJ49QTWj3Q
— MindShift (@MindShiftKQED) April 13, 2016
Mistakes are part of the learning process
“We learn from mistakes, mistakes grow our brain” @joboaler #NCTMannual #esu10
— Dianah Steinbrink (@steinbrinkesu10) April 15, 2016
Every time you makes mistake, a synapse fires. Another when you become aware you have made a mistake @joboaler #NCTMannual
— Mrs. Ritzi (@mrsritzi) April 15, 2016
@anya_pyp @rozzuell @joboaler I turned her great ideas into this: pic.twitter.com/ZlyEarge0L
— Sonya terBorg (@terSonya) March 23, 2016
#mathmindset True research shows when teachers say mistakes are good but give lower scores students do worse. https://t.co/OdDqoxsnBD
— Jo Boaler (@joboaler) February 19, 2016
Hear, hear! “We can’t keep publishing (maths ed) research in journals that are locked up that no-one can get access to.” @joboaler
— Amie Albrecht (@nomad_penguin) April 15, 2016
We have focused so much on the “right” way to teach math, but not enough on how to change student beliefs about math @joboaler #NCTMannual
— Mrs. Ritzi (@mrsritzi) April 15, 2016
MUST LISTEN TO radio interview with @joboaler. Goes way beyond math to social equality https://t.co/VwDGvH97uc #NCSM2016 #NCTM2016 #mathed
— Keith Devlin (@profkeithdevlin) April 13, 2016
2 thoughts on “Some Math Wisdom from Dr. Jo Boaler”
Hey, Alice! What is the best Jo Boaler book to start with? I want them all, but wanted to get your guidance on where to start. Thank you1
The best book ever after the bible is Mathematical Mindsets.