When assigning work to small groups of students instead of the whole class the trick is to include the audience in the description or document title. Clearly indicate in the description who the assignment is for. Other students can ignore the assignment or just click mark as done.
When creating small groups I will create a spreadsheet listing the student names and what group they are in. I attach this into the assignment so students can easily find which group they are in. Either I assign them a group or set the spreadsheet as “Students can edit file” to allow them to sign up for a group. Students then open the attachment that goes along with their group.
Make a Copy
While it is nice that you can attach documents for students in Google Classroom as students receive a copy, students can easily make their own copy of a document through the File menu. Attach files in Google Classroom as “Students can view file.” Indicate in the directions that a student should make a copy of the file and share with group members. The student who makes the copy will go to Google Classroom and click “Add” and add the document from Google Drive. This shares the document with the teacher and it is now accessible through Google Drive. Group members can not turn in documents they are not the owner of. Instead of adding from Google Drive, group members will add a link to the document.
One group member will want to open the #021 assignment template.
Rename the file to include the group member names
Use the File menu to make a copy of the template
Click on the blue share button and share the document with group members.
Go to Google Classroom and click on OPEN
Click on ADD
Add your groups document from Google Drive.
Group members will want to attach the link to the document
111 responses to “Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups”
‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/CUIbYA7trK via @alicekeeler
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/EABV4TIOnw
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/qnoOnzCkZj via @alicekeeler
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/kCJNkv6oES #GoogleEDU #GoogleEI #GoogleET
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
Update #edtech: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups – When assigning work to small groups of students inst… http://t.co/g3Z8wuO8ND
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/rRayc81bia #edchat #edtech #edtechchat
“@alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/qZ6kbErrkH http://t.co/QEYaTBeVSB”
@mac4cy Looks interesting!
Another great tip from @alicekeeler-Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/KJ9Bqnjncp #idedchat #cdaedchat
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/apVk3Iknzy via @alicekeeler
RT @mrkirkbride351: Another great tip from @alicekeeler-Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/KJ9Bqnjncp #idedchat #cdaed…
RT @Meffscience: “@alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/qZ6kbErrkH http://t.co/QEYaTBeVSB”
@mac4cy Looks i…
RT @Meffscience: “@alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/qZ6kbErrkH http://t.co/QEYaTBeVSB”
@mac4cy Looks i…
Sharing: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups: When assigning work to small groups of students instead … http://t.co/uUmcvRa7Gv
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups: When assigning work to small groups of students instead of the wh… http://t.co/yEEJLK6FTx
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/p54Ny7M1dq
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/flJRxknKlP
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/KFpXd7cjay via @alicekeeler
#GoogleClassroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/G7SbpQ8flz
RT @WPStechtonic: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/KFpXd7cjay via @alicekeeler
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/JSRdeRFmQO via @alicekeeler
RT @afekete01: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/JSRdeRFmQO via @alicekeeler
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/FtgCVUQi1K @alicekeeler #gafe #edtech
RT @sjgorman: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/FtgCVUQi1K @alicekeeler #gafe #edtech
‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @sjgorman: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/FtgCVUQi1K @alicekeeler #gafe #edtech
RT @sjgorman: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/FtgCVUQi1K @alicekeeler #gafe #edtech
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/9NI3hwZaJH
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/D770xSeTzH via @alicekeeler #edtech #GAFE
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @amikridigi: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/D770xSeTzH via @alicekeeler #edtech #GAFE
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech https://t.co/nJajwUd0QS
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aaWnLvec1O
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aGfefpgQhr via @alicekeeler #GAFE
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @TechCoachZ: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aGfefpgQhr via @alicekeeler #GAFE
Top story: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/Pdw4Hfhspx, see more http://t.co/wcuxGPr9KK
RT @TechCoachZ: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aGfefpgQhr via @alicekeeler #GAFE
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups via @AliceKeeler #isedchat #gafe http://t.co/dgj5C9YKfE
RT @TechCoachZ: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aGfefpgQhr via @alicekeeler #GAFE
“Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups” #edtech #gafe http://t.co/IjGsjzmqL9
RT @ShakeUpLearning: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aaWnLvec1O
RT @drmcgettigan: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups via @AliceKeeler #isedchat #gafe http://t.co/dgj5C9YKfE
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @ShakeUpLearning: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aaWnLvec1O
RT @drmcgettigan: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups via @AliceKeeler #isedchat #gafe http://t.co/dgj5C9YKfE
RT @ShakeUpLearning: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aaWnLvec1O
RT @alicekeeler: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/B5sh9KyTO1 http://t.co/Egk1FKdwbl
RT @drmcgettigan: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups via @AliceKeeler #isedchat #gafe http://t.co/dgj5C9YKfE
RT @drmcgettigan: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups via @AliceKeeler #isedchat #gafe http://t.co/dgj5C9YKfE
RT @mrkirkbride351: Another great tip from @alicekeeler-Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/KJ9Bqnjncp #idedchat #cdaed…
“Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech” #nhschat http://t.co/62yoNRlxkq
Freshly Caught: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups | Teacher Tech http://t.co/3CELDP4eg8, see more http://t.co/Kdh2PLzsuZ
RT @ShakeUpLearning: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aaWnLvec1O
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
#GoogleClassroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/sB7dZJijWA #gafe #msitc #hsitc #esitc
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/LunSrZQNkU
RT @mousermed: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/e3hAoO5547 via @alicekeeler
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
RT @mattwachel: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/Jzl6xa0IXU #edchat #edtech
RT @mousermed: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/e3hAoO5547 via @alicekeeler
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/21q2jCVEvj
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups @williamselak http://t.co/KG0xJjUblq
@zwinkzebra @benozebras great ideas for Google classroom #edtech #GoogleEDU #googlegirls http://t.co/OsJcKoLmUH
RT @mousermed: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/e3hAoO5547 via @alicekeeler
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/bBPwN90JGd
RT @TechCoachZ: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/aGfefpgQhr via @alicekeeler #GAFE
RT @DavidDenning2: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/bBPwN90JGd
Google+Classroom:+Assigning+to+Small+Groups http://t.co/btyjvaQgUa
RT @alicekeeler: ‘Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups’ – http://t.co/m1JuTZaH4K http://t.co/JxgJuBYzee
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups #yorkuict #addedict http://t.co/plLti08kB0
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/6CW68qgz9Z
Another good tip. Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups #edtech http://t.co/D8yqSIcHUw
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/Ppw2c1iWTf via @alicekeeler
RT @ACKCPSPrincipal: Another good tip. Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups #edtech http://t.co/D8yqSIcHUw
RT @drmcgettigan: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups via @AliceKeeler #isedchat #gafe http://t.co/dgj5C9YKfE
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/us35yzuHL9
RT @AddesaAT: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups #yorkuict #addedict http://t.co/plLti08kB0
RT @AddesaAT: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups #yorkuict #addedict http://t.co/plLti08kB0
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/2kmWMjXozP
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/DDOlFpU5DF
RT @ScottMcKenzie27: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/DDOlFpU5DF
RT @ScottMcKenzie27: Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/DDOlFpU5DF
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/FhKJv4aeXI
Google Classroom: Assigning to Small Groups http://t.co/EOc9jyVx3X via @nuzzel thanks @Meffscience
I’ve been playing around with doctopus and autocrat to help with the distribution of files. Still haven’t come up with my ideal workflow and continuing to play with it.
I’ve done this with lit. circles… It’s a good technique for small group collaboration. I still think Google can do much better by incorporating small group formation into an assignment option. There’s no need for every group to be assigned all the other group’s assignments…. We need to give them some feedback… Thanks for sharing…