One issue with using Google Docs with students is remembering to set the viewing rights on a document. How many times have you linked students to a file in Google Docs only to hear a sea of voices exclaiming “We do not have permission!”
When you create a Google document the default viewing permissions are private. You have to click on the blue share button to change the sharing permissions. Something that is easily overlooked.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom solves this problem by allowing the teacher to link to Google Docs from their school Google Drive account. The documents can be shared with students as “Students can view file.” This automatically ensures that all Google documents you share with students through Classroom will have viewing permissions.
Additionally you can set the Google documents you share with students to be “Students can edit file” or “Make a copy for each student.”
No matter the sharing options you choose in Google Classroom you can be assured that the students will have access to the document so long as they are signed in with their school Google Apps account.
Student Sharing
Any documents or files that students submit through Google Classroom automatically have sharing rights with the instructor. This eliminates the issue of trying to assess student work only to discover that the student forgot to share the document with you.
For more information about Google Classroom see:
6 responses to “Google Classroom: Viewing Rights”
Can the teacher see the student work before they turn it in on Classroom? Before Google Classroom I had a shared folder with each student so I could give feedback as they were working. Now it seems that I can’t see it until they turn it in. Ideas???
Yes, the teacher can see the work before the student turns it in.
In Alice and Libbi’s book 50 Thins you can do with Google Classroom, on page 28 #13 it says you can give feedback before students submit their work. I can not figure out how that works, can you give me some adivce?
You want to click on the assignment title and you can see tiles of student work. Click on them, you can access student work before they turn it in. Also you can leave private comments right in Google Classroom. I highly recommend locating the Google Drive assignment folder in the Google Classroom grading page. I love using Google Drive to locate and comment on student work.
When I find the students work, it will not let me open it up unless it is turned in. I can not click on it to open it up?
That should not be the case. You have access 100% of the time.