As teachers we frequently need a timer. Google makes this super easy.
Type Timer
In the Omnibox of Google Chrome type in the word “timer.” Typing the word “timer” into the Google search box will launch a timer.
Click on the Timer
The default time is 5 minutes. Simply click on the timer numbers and you will be able to edit to customize the time.
Full Screen
On the right hand side of the timer is a box icon, click on this to go full screen. You can push escape to exit the full screen timer.
A beeping noise will go off at the end of the timer. If you want to silence the beeping click on the sound icon next to the full screen icon.
1 thought on “Google Tip: Super Easy Classroom Timer”
I love this tip! I type in “timer for x min”, click enter, the timer comes up and starts automatically. I shared this with my teachers and they loved it. Thank you for sharing.