At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year there was no shortage of cases being displayed. Walking by the m edge booth I was excited to see iPad cases that featured classic book covers. Unfortunately I had to be in Vegas over my anniversary while my wonderful husband was at home. His favorite book is the Great Gatsby and I thought this is a wonderful way for him to share with the students in his classroom his love for technology and literature. www.medgestore.com has a variety of classic book covers available or you can upload your own.
Once I was sucked in with the Great Gatsby I noticed they had some other products that would be great for educators. They have iPhone and iPad super shell cases that bounce when you drop them. Any school that has hesitated to go 1:1 iPads for fear of students damaging the device these bouncing cases make it easy to put in the hands of Kindergarteners.

In matching colors they offer a chunky stylus for kids. When I brought it home I had to fight my kids to give it back to me.

While they have a lot of very interesting cases for a variety of devices I am most interested in solutions that help schools go 1:1 with iPads and the super shell case and stylus help with concerns about breakage and learning to use a pencil.