Are you using Google Forms? They are amazing for many reasons. One being to have students submit their homework through so you do not have to carry papers home to grade. Grading from a spreadsheet is quite lovely.
But what about forms that you use where you get infrequent responses such as a comment form? You want to receive an email when the form has been filled out.
In the spreadsheet side of the form you want to go to the Tools Menu and choose notification rules.
From there you can choose to receive an email notification when a user submits a form.
Note, this does not notify all of the collaborators, each collaborator will need to go in and set their notifications individually.
3 thoughts on “Google Form Notifications”
An administrator has created a Google Form to help with tracking lunch detention. I helped him to create a Pivot Table to tally how many lunch detentions each student has received along with the reasons for detention. I’m looking for a way to automatically send an email when a student accumulates 4 or more lunch detentions. Any ideas?
Use an if statement and run a mail merge.
Should I use Autocrat for the merge, or is there something better in this case?