Guest Post by Melody McAllister
Last week, Alice Keeler and I hosted the Schoolytics Team on our Teacher Tech LIVE Broadcast:
We talked with the Schoolytics Team about their Mission and Vision of measuring, monitoring, and managing student data. Alice shared the reason she loves Schoolytics is because no one loves data more than she does! Haha! But the purpose of Schoolytics is to help teachers, and really the whole school community, make use of the data so it can truly help student engagement grow and blossom.
Taking out guess work, keeping up with apps, scores, and even making it friendly for students and parents…can you see why we love it?
Check it out for yourself!
Oh my goodness, I forgot to mention that this resource is FREE for teachers! You never have to use a credit card! You don’t have to sign up for a free trial!! You can look it up and start using it today with your Google Classroom.
If you want support using Schoolytics and even seeing more demos, join our Facebook Community for Teachers using Schoolytics! See you there!
About the Author
Melody McAllister is a wife, mother of five, educator, and author. She and her family relocated to Alaska from the Dallas area in 2019. McAllister is 2017 Garland NAACP Educator of the Year and author of the I’m Sorry Story, a children’s book about taking responsibility for mistakes and making sincere apologies. She is also the Logistics Manager for EduMatch Publishing. McAllister has spoken at ISTE and ASTE about equity issues in education, and writes about her journey in her blog, McAllister also hosts a weekly bookchat which you can tune in every Wednesday at or