Being curious pays off. I started up Google Chrome today and noticed… it looks different. In the upper right hand corner is a circle with a tiny triangle in it.

Lots of Windows
I don’t know about you but I always have a lot of tabs open. And not all of my tabs are in the same window. I frequently will pull out tabs into a new window so I can have them side by side or just so I can be working on multiple projects and have my tabs organized by project. You can see in this image that I have a LOT of windows and tabs. I change the themes on my Google Chrome so I can assign each account a different color. When I separate out the windows I see 2 windows are pink… those are one account. 5 windows are plain, that is a different account. 2 windows are black, a 3rd a count and one window is brown, a 4th account.

Tab Locator
Within each account I have multiple windows. It can be tricky to find which project I want to switch to. ESPECIALLY when I am presenting my screen this gets extra hard for me.
The new tab locator in the upper right hand corner is a circle with a triangle in it. Click on this icon to expand out a list of tabs you have in DIFFERENT WINDOWS.

Select a Tab
From the Tab Locator you can click on a tab that is in another window. This will bring up that window, it will NOT combine that tab into the current window. It will simply bring it to the front so it is easy to locate.