Guest Post by Melody McAllister
Everyday, as an admin for the Teacher Tech-Alice Keeler Facebook Community, I observe how educators are helping one another. In this group we share resources, rants, and ways we can improve. The impact every single educator is making on a daily basis will never be measured appropriately, but the impact is truly there. The impact can be negative or positive, but with the teachers who I see daily, I have more hope for the latter.
Bookchat with Leader Kourtney Ferrua
Cue in my BookChat with Author and Nationally Distinguished Principal Kourtney Ferrua. She is a co-Author of Principaled: Navigating the Leadership Learning Curve along with Kate Barker and Dr. Rachael George. I’ve followed Kourtney for a couple of years but in this last year, she and I have become friends. I respect her ability to lead with compassion and purpose, while lifting up others around her. All three authors take an honest look at the way they lead and share genuine reflections of things they’ve done well and done poorly in their role as administrators. It’s a breath of fresh air and like many educators, I wish there was more transparency where pride often lives. This book is divided into sections so you don’t have to read it from cover to cover to get what you need in the moment you need it. These authors give actionable steps you can implement immediately to create a thriving culture AND ensure student achievement.
Author Read Aloud
But the best part of this chat was when I asked Kourtney about her favorite part of the book. I had a feeling it was also my favorite part, and my feeling was correct. So, if you want/need to hear something that will inspire you to keep moving forward, definitely start watching the above video about 23 minutes in and Kourtney gives a short author read about how her mother’s life (and in effect, her own life) was changed because a principal saw promise in her when society saw something else, entirely.
Regardless of your role in education, I hope you know that your legacy impacts students’ and their families’ lives every single day. We don’t always know when or how, but what you are doing matters.
Thank you for doing what you do!
About the Author
Melody McAllister is a wife, mother of five, educator, and author. She and her family relocated to Alaska from the Dallas area in 2019. McAllister is 2017 Garland NAACP Educator of the Year and author of the I’m Sorry Story, a children’s book about taking responsibility for mistakes and making sincere apologies. She is also the Logistics Manager for EduMatch Publishing. McAllister has spoken at ISTE and ASTE about equity issues in education, and writes about her journey in her blog, Check out her many LIVE broadcasts featuring educators and authors at