Kindergarteners Continue Class Routines During Remote Learning with @Cogswell_Ben!

Kinder Rockets is a Facebook page dedicated to educator Ben Cogswell’s Kindergarten class. However, any educator can visit his class page and learn!

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

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Kindergarteners Continue Class Routines During Remote Learning with @Cogswell_Ben!

Guest Blog by Melody McAllister

Kindergarten Teacher Ben Cogswell chats about how during distance learning he was able to utilize Facebook to stay connected with his students. Click on the button below to see the full interview on Facebook. You may need to be a member of my Teacher Tech Facebook group to view the video.

Kinder Rockets Stay Connected via Facebook

Kinder Rockets is a Facebook page dedicated to educator Ben Cogswell’s Kindergarten class. But anyone can visit with their children and learn. Any educator can visit his page and learn! 

Ben uses the FB page as a tool to help his students and their families stay engaged and keep up with the important classroom routines, but it’s also been a great tool to show other educators how to use technology and social media to continue building relationships with their students. 

As major school districts have announced they will not be reopening like normal, and with other school districts following suit, teachers of younger students know they have a challenge to face in building relationships and trying to keep students engaged.  Visit and follow Kinder Rockets and be inspired by all of the things you CAN do whether your start the new school year remotely or not! 

If You Can’t Go Big, DON’T Go Home!

If you checked out the Kinder Rockets page and feel intimidated, I can empathize. We aren’t all expert video editors with a supportive family willing to pitch in and be amazing. Ben, his wife Jenny, and their four children are pretty phenonmenal in how they come together to create Kinder Magic, but you don’t have to be just like them! What are some ideas that crossed your mind when you visited his page or listened to our conversation? What are your strengths? What do you do in face to face classes that keep your students engaged? How can you incorporate this with technology and social media?

Coach Ben with wife Jenny and their youngest son.

If you listened to the conversation I had with Ben, he says he had no idea that Kinder Rockets would turn into something so big and something so many people would see and value. Start small and do what you can do. Join our Teacher Tech Facebook Group and we can continue the conversation! 

Why Facebook?

If you don’t have time to watch the video, here are some reasons to consider using Facebook to engage with students and their families:

  1. Facebook is number one most used app! (Some data shows #2 but literally BILLIONS of people are on it!)
  2. It can be a catchall for every technolgy you are implemeneting for distance learning.
  3. Parents check in on it daily!
  4. It supports video!

Follow Coach Ben

If you’d like to follow Coach Ben and/or his Kinder Rockets, he is presenting at the Rethink Learning Summit this coming week and you can still sign up! You can follow him on Twitter @cogswell_ben or @kindrockets, and he also has a webpage Because he does so much for free, he has set up a GoFundMe to help with costs to make Kinder Rockets even bigger!

The Rethink Learning Summit is a virtual conference that attendees will have access to for one full year. Ben is one of many speakers who will share his knowledge with educators to help them feel more prepared for this coming school year and whatever that entails.

One response to “Kindergarteners Continue Class Routines During Remote Learning with @Cogswell_Ben!”

  1. I have made hundreds of online interactive google slides for my kinders. I am trying to find out the best way to share them with the greatest audience. I do belong to Facebook groups. Any ideas?

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