Drive 20 is BACK

Drive20 by Alice Keeler is back
Drive 20 is BACK
Drive20 is back by Alice Keeler

Use Drive20 to Open 20 Google Docs All at Once

What is good and bad about Google is they are always making changes. I like to think it keeps your brain young. Awhile back Google updated Google Drive and this caused the Drive20 Chrome extension to break. I am happy to announce it is BACK!

Drive 20 Chrome Extension

Drive 20 Chrome Extension

Click Here to Install

Open 20 Google Docs

From Google Drive, open a folder that contains Docs, Sheets or Slides. Press the Chrome extension and like magic the first 20 will load up in other tabs. By design, the extension will not open PDF’s.

Click Chrome extension and tabs open like magic

Note that the more tabs you have open the more likely your computer is to cry. Right click on the extension to change the default number of tabs that open at once.

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Sort Last Opened by Me

Drive20 opens the top 20 documents in the Google Drive folder. If you click the extension again it will open up the same 20 documents you just opened if you do not change the sorting in Drive.

Switch from “Last modified” to “Last opened by me.” Make sure it is sorting backwards Z to A where documents you’ve opened go to the BOTTOM. Notice the arrow to the right of “Last opened by me” should be pointing up.

sort Google Drive by Last Opened by Me drive 20

Google Classroom and Drive20

What is AWESOME about Google Classroom is that all work for a particular assignment is put into a single folder in Google Drive. When on the assignment assessment screen notice the counts for “Turned in, Assigned, and Returned.” Underneath that is the folder icon that opens up the Google Drive folder for that assignment.

Folder icon in Google Classroom for an assignment drive 20

Click on the “Last modified” if it is how the files are sorted and change it to “Last opened by me” but sorted backwards so ones you’ve opened are at the bottom of the list. Click the icon and start giving students feedback!

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