Use Gmail for Conferences
It’s summer conference season. A thread is going around on Twitter about the emails from vendors. The last thing I need in my life is more email so here is a hack.
Gmail addresses let you add a plus sign and a word. I use this trick when signing up for websites or conferences. The email still comes to the regular account but I can see that it was sent to +conference so I know where it originated from. I can also filter all emails that come in with +conference to skip the inbox or just delete all together.
If my email is thealicekeeler and I am attending the ISTE conference I will register with iste.
Signing up for a Twitter account… Register with thealicekeeler+twitter
Need to confirm your email but don’t want any further emails from whatever you’re signing up for? thealicekeeler+junk. Then I set up a filter to have that skip the inbox and go into a junk folder.
2 responses to “Share Your Email at a Conference”
Question – when I share my email I add +junk or +conference to the end of it? For instance would be Love your blog!!
Yes. But If that is your real email please delete your comment. Internet safety 🙂