If You Look At Student Work Take a Screenshot

Screenshot Student Work
If You Look At Student Work Take a Screenshot

Screenshot Student Work

Screenshot Student Work

When reviewing student work, it can be helpful to have a visual of what you were looking at. Since you have the student work open, why not take a screenshot (or video) of it?! When leaving feedback students are then able to see exactly what you are seeing to match what you are describing.

QuickShare Screenshot

Install QuickShare Screenshot Chrome Extension

If I am looking at student work I might as well take a screenshot.

There are many screenshot tools that will work. The trick is to use a method where you can get the screenshot back to the student as part of the feedback. QuickShare Screenshot allows me to take a full or partial screenshot. The screenshot is automatically saved to Google Drive and the link to the screenshot is saved to the clipboard. Paste (Control V) the link to the screenshot anywhere you ordinarily type feedback.

QuickShare Screenshot ICON

Open Student Work

Student work may be a Google Doc or a video or a website or other medium. In some way, you have obtained work from students. Open it.

Click on attachment title to view student work

Click on the Extension

The QuickShare Screenshot extension allows you to choose “Take full screen” or “Take partial screen.” I usually choose full screen to make it really fast and easy. No additional effort is needed on my part. The screenshot is saved into my Google Drive and the link copied to my clipboard.

Take a Full Screenshot

Leave Feedback

Wherever you are leaving feedback, paste the link to the screenshot. Control V will paste on a PC or Chromebook. Command V will paste on a Mac.
Paste the link to the feedback

If in the feedback you are describing something you are looking at in the student work, include the link to the screenshot. This puts you and the student on the same page. Especially in a digital age, the student work document may change. They may make updates or create something completely new. By taking a screenshot you are documenting what the student work looked like at the moment you looked at it.

Folder Sharing Permissions

By default items in Google Drive are private. One time only, go to Google Drive and locate the QuickShare folder. Change the sharing permissions on the QuickShare folder to “Anyone with the link can view.” Any screenshots in the folder will automatically inherit the sharing permissions of the folder. Thus all of your screenshots have the sharing permission of “Anyone with the link can view.”

Share the QuickShare Screenshot folder

Sharing permissions are set to anyone with the link can view.

Webcam Record

If you would like to leave feedback to the student in the form of a webcam recording, try the Webcam Record Chrome extension. It does almost the same thing except instead of a screenshot it enables your webcam for 30 seconds. The video recording is saved automatically to Google Drive and the link to the video is copied to the clipboard. Paste the link to the video feedback anywhere you leave feedback.

Install Webcam Record Chrome Extension

2 thoughts on “If You Look At Student Work Take a Screenshot

  1. Great info!! I love the share feature. Yo could even upload this screen shots to a Good slides. One presentation per student, a screen which in each wkide, and that could help show student progress in writing. Tha KS for the inspiration.

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