If students are using computers there is a need for students to capture their learning and to be able to explain it. Additionally, teachers need to be able to comment on and provide feedback on digital student work. Snagit by TechSmith has a Chrome app and Chrome extension that is free.
Chrome Web Store
Using the Google Chrome browser, go to the Chrome web store and type in “Snagit” into the search.
The Snagit app and extension are both by TechSmith. Install both the app and the extension.
Extension Icon
When students are doing digital work they are able to use the Snagit extension to screen capture their work and progress. While on a webpage students will click o the blue S extension icon to the right of the Omnibox.
Choose Capture Region
Clicking on the extension shows a menu of options on the right hand side of the screen. Most of the time I use the first option “Region.” This allows the student, or myself, to screen capture part of the screen. If the student wants to show the entire webpage they may want to choose “Visible” or “Scrolling.” Scrolling captures the part of the webpage that is off the screen.
Draw a Rectangle
Students can capture a particular region of the screen by clicking on the upper left hand spot on the screen where they want to capture. Holding down the mouse click, students will drag out to create a rectangle that captures the region of the screen that they want to show.
After releasing the mouse click, the student can adjust the capture region by dragging on the orange corners or sides. Once they are satisfied that the capture region demonstrates their work, students will click on the blue camera icon.
Edit the Capture
The capture will launch in a pop up window that allows the student to annotate the capture. If the website offers a score or indication of progress they can draw arrows or put a box around the important parts of the image. Students can also add text to the image to explain elements in the image.
While there are not as many annotation options as the desktop version of Snagit, it is nice that students are able to clearly identify the areas of the screen that the teacher and classmates should pay attention to.
Saves to Google Drive
There is no save button because the image automagically saves to Google Drive. Have students go to their Google Drive. On the left hand side of Drive under “My Drive” a folder for “TechSmith” has been created. The images are located in there.
Explain Your Work
While students are working digitally, create the expectation that they will capture their process and work. They should then go to Google Drive and create a Google text document. There they would insert their screen capture images and then reflect on their learning, referring to the screen captures that demonstrate their work along the way.
Insert Image
In the Google Doc students would go to the Insert menu and choose Image.
On the left hand side of the image upload box are different upload options. Students can find their annotated screen captures by choosing “My Drive” underneath the Google Drive option. The images would be located in the TechSmith folder.
Teacher Feedback
While students can use the Snagit Chrome extension to provide evidence of their learning, teachers can use the extension to provide feedback to students. If the teacher is giving feedback to student on a Google Doc created by the student, the teacher can screen capture elements of the document, annotate and then insert into the bottom of the students work in order to provide more detailed feedback. Other ways the teacher can get the annotated screenshot feedback to students are to share the image with the student from Google Drive, to email the student the image, or to create a feedback document and share it with the student.