I have noticed that a lot of instructional videos start out with a “hi” and an introduction to what is going to be discussed. The speed and tone of talking on the videos is not usually how you would talk to someone if they were live in person.
With any good presentation you want to hook your audience into what you are talking about. Making instructional videos is not different.
Here are my tips for making an instructional video
Keep it Short
1-3 minutes max, you can always make another video. Personally, I shoot for 30 second segments.
Make a Playlist
Rather than making a 10 minute video, how about 5 one minute videos. Put them together in a playlist on YouTube. The playlist autoplays the next video so it is as if it were one long video, but you can clearly label each video segment to help students target the information they need.
The other advantage is if you made a mistake or there is an update to the screencast you are using, you only need to fix that one segment. No need to redo the entire video.
Talk Normal
Make “eye contact.” Look at the camera, pretend you are actually talking face to face to someone. You do need to enunciate clearly, but you do not need to talk super slow. The genius of video is that it can be replayed. If you are making instructional videos you should be creating captions and or a transcript. This should help your English Language learners if they need it.
Be Personable
If what you are saying is boring and could be written down, then do not make a video. Just write down the information for the audience to read. It is faster for both of you. If you are using a video let your personality come through, be funny. Provide value beyond the content.
4 responses to “Hi… and Other Boring Ways to Start a Video”
Oh my!!! That’s what I sound like??!!! Too funny! I love it…thank you for pointing out the obvious!
Great tip – I can’t count how many times I’ve groaned at videos with weak introductions and unnecessarily slow rate of speech. The”Hi” only works if you are Eminem, and you follow “Hi” with “My name is Slim Shady.”
To be honest, I turn off those videos with the slow intro, I won’t watch them. They are telling me right off the bat “I did not give a lot of thought to student engagement, this video will suck the life out of you.”
I am afraid I have been guilty of saying hi…and even saying “thanks for watching” at the end! I promise I will do better!