How to Edit a Google Form

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
How to Edit a Google Form

Note: Google Forms has undergone a MASSIVE update. Please see newer blog posts on Google Forms.

Form edit

My sister is having her wedding reception soon and I helped her to create a Google Form to collect RSVP’s.  She noticed a grammatical typo and was baffled on how to edit the form once it had already been made.  It is a little tricky since there is not edit button on the form itself.  What is nice about Google Forms is that once it is edited she does not have to go back to her WordPress blog where it is embedded and change anything, it will be automatically updated.


  • Go to This is where you will find your Google documents.
  • Click on the spreadsheet that contains the form data.  This will not show you the form, but only the data.
  • At the top of the page are the menu options.  One of the drop down menus is FORM.
  • The first option under the form menu is to “Edit form.”
  • At the top are several options.  The Add item button will allow you to add another question, you can drag the questions into a different order.  Your new question by default will appear at the bottom so if you wanted it higher in the form you will need to save and then drag the question higher.
  • You can change the theme by clicking on the theme button.
  • See responses->Summary and Spreadsheet were accessible through the form drop down list in the spreadsheet, but this is another way of accessing them.
  • Under More actions you can obtain the embed code or to edit confirmation.  Editing confirmation allows the person who is filling out the form to see a confirmation screen that says something besides “Thanks! Your response has been recorded.”

Hit the save button at the top right if it has not already autosaved and your form is automatically updated.

Note: When you add a new item it is numbered (you do not notice it), dragging a question to a different position does not change the question number.  You will notice this when the order of the fields in the spreadsheet do not match the order of the questions in the form.

3 responses to “How to Edit a Google Form”

  1. if she is collecting ZIP CODES — she needs to change the format of that column to PLAIN TEXT rather than to numbers — otherwise the 0 (if it is at the front of the zipcode) will drop off. To do this — go to the spreadsheet view of the form — click on the letter of the column WITH the zip codes and go to Format, Number, Plain Text. 🙂

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