Hey, how did you get that degree symbol in your Google?

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Hey, how did you get that degree symbol in your Google?

Google text docs has an equation editor but no dice for Google Presentation or Google Draw.  (which by the way you can insert Google Draw into text doc, presentation and spreadsheet!)

As a Geometry teacher I need my drawings to have the degree symbol and I’m tired of drawing the little circle and placing it.

Do a Google search for HTML degree symbol and go to a website like this: http://www.ascii.cl/htmlcodes.htm or http://htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html

Copy the degree or whatever symbol you want you want right into the Google Draw text box you are creating.  Problem solved.


Jim Sill

mistersill Jim Sill

@alicekeeler You’re cranking out those posts! For the degree symbol, I use option+k on the mac to write 32˚F

 Thank you for turning me onto that. Still need the HTML trick for some symbols, but the option+k for degree will save me lots of time.

option + x = ≈
option + < = ≤
option + > = ≥
option + / =  ÷
option + j = ∆
option + k = ˚
option + L = ¬
option + p = π
option + o = ø  (that is oh no zero)
option +  w = ∑
option + 5 = ∞
option + 8 = •
option + – = –
option + = = ≠
shift + option + = ±
shift + option + k = 

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