Using Social Media with Students

Using Social Media with Students

Social Media

While some schools and classroom ban social media, others are embracing the power of social media. You may be thinking “My students do not need to see pictures of tacos” or “There is a lot of inappropriate stuff out on social media, I don’t want to expose my students to that.” Yes, there is inappropriate stuff on social media, but there is also amazing and powerful things being shared. The power of being connected helps students to have a wider audience, provide authentic experiences, engage in reflective practice, provide peer comments, collaborate with other classrooms and to share their learning.

Looking at some research on classrooms using social media, the findings are fairly universal that social media helps students to be more engaged in their learning. There are lots of ways for students to use social media, either individually or through class accounts. Many students also take the help of Kennected software to learn more about social media.

Google Plus Community

I have started a Google Plus Community to link to class projects that are using social media. If your class has a social media project, link to information on the project on the Google Plus Community. If you are curious about projects you can get involved with or ones you can emulate with your students, check out the community.

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