Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice Keeler

Available NOW on Amazon

50 Ways to Engage Students with Google Apps

Co-authored with the amazing Heather Lyon the book “50 Ways to Engage Students with Google Apps” contains over 50 templates, tips, and resources to help you to increase student engagement! 

Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler Blog Posts

Create Badges in Google Sheets

Wanting to gamify your class with badges? One option is to create badges in Google Sheets. Create a list of achievements and add a badge for each one.

Teaching with Google

Transforming Classrooms: Teaching with Google

Explore the transformative impact of teaching with Google tools, emphasizing their role in fostering collaboration, enhancing feedback, and personalizing learning experiences. It highlights how Google’s suite, including Classroom, Docs, and Slides, enables educators to cater to diverse learning needs and develop essential 21st-century skills like creativity, critical thinking, and global communication. The post underscores the shift from traditional teaching methods to innovative, technology-enabled educational practices, preparing students for a more interconnected and digital world.

Bye Bye Jamboard

Bye Bye Jamboard

Google has announced Bye Bye Jamboard. So now what? Join Alice Keeler to learn more about why to use Jamboard, What happens to your Jams, and what to do next.

Convert your Google Jamboard files to FigJam before Google says bye bye jamboard

Convert Your Jamboard Jams to FigJam

Convert Your Jamboard Jams to FigJam. It is very easy. FigJam has all the capability of Jamboard but better! Join Alice Keeler and Lauren (McCann) Ryan to show off the FigJam converter tool to easily change all of your Google Jamboard files.

Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler

Teacher, mom of 5, Google Certified Innovator, Google Developer Expert for Google Workspace, Google Cloud Innovator Champion, Author, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Presenter

Alice Keeler Queen of Spreadsheets

Alice Keeler has a BA in Mathematics and an MS in Educational Media Design and Technology.  She started teaching high school math in 1999 in the laptop Algebra program. Alice has taught 1:1 her entire teaching career and is passionate about using technology to create student centered classrooms. 

Paperless is not a pedagogy. We should not seek to use technology to save paper, but rather to improve learning, improve relationships, and improve student engagement. 

The tool is not what creates the learning, but rather an intentional approach for how a tool can create feedback loops, allow choice and voice, allows for communication of ideas in a creative medium, and increase collaboration.

See Alice Keeler in the Developer Keynote as a Google Cloud Innovator Champion