
EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework

Alice Keeler

Vlog Series

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Article Link
Edutopia Beyond the Worksheet: Playsheets, GBL, and Gamification
Hot Chalk Education in America Q&A: Alice Keeler, Founder of #coffeecue and EdCampCV
Bedley Bros iPad vs. Chromebook
Remind 101 Blog Math Teacher/Innovator Alice Keeler Shifts Focus from Grades to Interaction
Gradecam Blog Gradecam Scoring in Action
Interview by Steve Hargadon Connected Educator Month 2013
We Are Teachers  10 Do’s and 5 Dont’s for a Successful one to one classroom 
Google Play for Education  I am proud to be part of the team to make this happen.
Modern Educator  Profchat’s Alice Keeler
Gamifi-ED OOC  How to get started in game based learning.
The Dr. Will Show  All things Google with Alice
Reboot Ed Podcast  Episode 21: Hanging Out With Alice Keeler 
Google Booth Babe Tells All



Dates Venue Presentation Titles
July 2013 ISTE Conference, San Antonio Google Spreadsheets and Scripts in the Classroom

Co-presenting with David Malone on spreadsheet tips for educators and scripts.
Ask A GCT– Poster SessionAsk a Google Certified Teacher your Google Question.Build a Professional WebsiteCo-Presenting with Bill Selak
GarageBand for the ClassroomCo-presenting with Bill Selak
May 2013 HBUSD Tech Fest Serving up Delicious Data
Amazing ways to find public data and serve it up using Google Fusion Tables.
May 2013 Orange Cove: Conner Elementary School Promethean Training
May 2013 Shasta County Office of Ed Chromebooks in Ed
Introduction to advantages of using chromebooks in the classroom.
May 2013 Innovative Educator Advanced Studies Certificate Gamification in Education
Difference between games and gamification. How gamifcation can innovate motivate students.
May 2013 ISTE SIG Games vs. Gamification
What place does games and gamification have in education.
May 2013 NBCUE Connect U Featured Speaker
Multimedia Presentations on the iPad
Hands on workshop, using the iPad to have students create multi-media presentations.
Sassy Spreadsheets
A fun, hands on, experience exploring how spreadsheets can make data meaningful.
iPad Basics and Beyond
Getting started with the iPad, addressing using one iPad to improve instruction, effectiveness and handling classroom management.
April 2013 Journalism Conference in San Francisco in the Google Collaboration Lab Data Visualization
Interactive Data & Infographics. Live broadcasted by Google.
April 2013 CUE Rock Star Express Teacher Camp, Paso Robles Rock Star Presenter
Data Visualization
Using Google Fusion tables to use Public Data to have students address the common core to demonstrate critical thinking skills and to express graphically through graphs and infographics.
April 2013 Huron Middle School Using the Promethean Board for Effective Instruction
April 2013 California State University Fresno Google Sites
Applications of Google tools to express learning objectives for student portfolio projects.
March 2013 CUE Conference, Palm Springs Sassy Spreadsheets & Sultry Scripts
February 2013 CCCUE Tech Conference: ETC iPads for Administrators
Tips for administrators to effectively use their iPads.Teaching from a Google Site
Mini Workshop to create a Google Site and discuss best practices for how to use it to be the launch point of instruction.Google Spreadsheets and Scripts in the Classroom
Fun session with David Malone on using Spreadsheets for teaching.
February 2013 EdCampCV Co-organizer, led discussions on Gamification and Games for Test Review
January 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas Podcast Engineer for Higher Ed Tech Summit
January 2013 Woodland Hills High School Moodle in Education
December 2013 Google Teacher Academy, Mountain View CA CUE Professional Development Assistant Coordinator
December 2012 Online Learning Symposium 
Importance of Creating Culture in an Online Environment
October 2012 Fall CUE Conference Google SlamPanel of Google Certified Teachers demonstrating unique uses for Google tools.Advanced Google Workshop for Educators
Utilizing advanced tools in Google docs, Sites and more.Feedback Machine
Using Mail Merge with Google Spreadsheet for Student CommunicationIntroduction to QR codes
October 2012 California State University Fresno Google
Google tools for educators
October 2012 Fresno County Office of Education
Huron Middle School Training
Promethean: Using ActivInspire and ActivExpressions
October 2012 CETPA Conference Apple TV in the classroom and beyond
October 2012 Central Valley Computer Using Educators Tech Expo Intro to QR Codes
September 2012 California State University Fresno Guest Speaker on creating a Google Site for a Digital Portfolio
August 2012 Learning 2.0 Conference
Group Projects with Google DocsDeveloping your PWP (Personal Web Profile)Grades are Not Motivating
August 2012 California State University Fresno: Hit the Ground Running Workshop Series KEYNOTE: Creating Interactive Instruction
Using Google to engage students.
August 2012 EdCampSFBay 
Led discussion on “No Homework”
August 2012 CUE Rockstar Camp Minarets Using Google Sites to Flip Your ClassroomGoogle Spreadsheets in the Valley
Using Google Spreadsheet to learn spreadsheet techniques.Build your own LMS
Learning Management Systems allow teachers to organize their content for online learning or blended learning models.
July 2012 Google Teaching Gmail
Instructing Googlers on how to teach Gmail in preparation for a community service project.
July 2012 CUE Leadership Development Institute Revenue Generation through Professional Development
Co-presenting with Danny Silva, utilizing CUEtoYOU and other professional development opportunities to generate revenue for your CUE affiliate.
July 2012 CUE Rockstar Central Coast Using WordPress for Student Portfolios on a TabletCreating Educational QR Posters using Google DrawCreating your own YouTube Playlist for Instructional Purposes
June 2012 Google Vendor Booth at ISTE Google Slam: LearnBoost
Demonstrate innovative way to use the LearnBoost gradebook Google Apps marketplace add in.Taking the Hassle out of Student Presentations
Using Google Presentation in conjunction with Google Sites to  save instructional time and increase collaboration.Google Education Advisor
Answering questions from ISTE attendees on Google and Chromebooks.
June 2012 Edmodo Vendor Booth at ISTE Using Gradecam addon with Edmodo
June 2012 Gradecam Vendor Booth at ISTE Using Gradecam to motivate student learning and save time.
June 2012 CUE Rockstar at ISTE Save the World with Google SitesComputer-Using Educators brings their rockstar camp format to ISTE.
June 2012 ISTE Conference QR Code Posters
Concurrent session on how to create wall posters that integrate Google tools and QR codes.Google Slam: Google Voice
Panel of Google Certified Teachers battle it out over innovative and unusual ways to utilize Google Tools in the classroom.
June 2012 Clovis Unified Technology Bootcamp QR Code Posters in the Classroom
Workshop to create wall posters that integrate Google Tools and QR codes.Excel for Beginners
Wiki’s in the ClassroomAdvanced Promethean ActivInspire
Workshop for advanced ActivInspire users on topics such as containers, restrictions, integrating Office and more.
May 2012 Fresno City College Google in Higher Ed
Closing keynote speaker. Workshop on using Google Docs and Forms in an instructional setting for the college level.
May 2012 iSlope Training iPad set up
Assisting educators in ways to set up and utilize their iPads for long distance math coaching.
May 2012 VASA elementary charter school Introduction to Promethean ActivInspire
Getting started with using the Promethean board and software in the classroom.Setting up ActiVotes
Assisting in the setup of Promethean ActiVotes
April 2012 ACSA conference: Reno, NV Google Docs for Administrators
Demonstrating uses for Google Tools to more effectively manage administrator tasks.Google Plus for Administrators
CUEtoYou session.  Demonstrating ways Google Plus can be used to facilitate collaboration at a school site.
April 2012 CSUFresno KSOEHD Civic & Character in Education Conference Copyright and Internet Safety
Co-presented with Dr. Otto Benavides
April 2012 Clovis High School Counseling Center Google Docs for Counselors
How collaboration tools in Google Docs can increase collaboration and efficiency in the counseling center office.
April 2012 WWEDU: Wels, Austria Google in Education
Introduction to educational applications of Google Docs and Google Sites.
March 2012 EdTechTeam ( YouTube in the Classroom
Workshop on how to utilize YouTube for instructional purposes.Google Search
Search tips and how to effectively utilize search to aid in classroom instruction.
March 2012 CUE (Computer Using Educators) Conference Google Workshop for Educators
All day event on using Google tools.
Get Slammed with Google
Team of GCT’s sharing lesser known Google Tricks.
Getting the Most out of your PWP – “Personal Web Presence”
Along with Co-Presenter Steve Hargadon presentation on taking control of your presence on the web.
QR Codes in the Classroom
CUE Tip ideas for using QR codes
Seriously Sassy Sites with the Simmering Soul Sisters
Along with Co-Presenter Diane Main, using Google Sites for Education.
March 2012 California State University Fresno Doctoral Class Pivot Tables
Using Google forms and pivot tables to drive decision making.
March 2012 Promethean users Conference ActivInspire in the Math Classroom
March 2012 Fresno County Office of Education Fun tips and tricks to take back to your district
February 2012 California State University Fresno Interactive White Boards
Beyond an expensive screen, how IWB’s can be effective learning tools.
Google Draw
Using Google draw to create visual elements for instruction.
February 2012 EdCampCV Using Google Forms for IEP forms
How to use a Google form to get feedback from teachers and to manipulate the data with a pivot table.
Pivot Tables
Using Google pivot tables to analyze district data.
Ideas for applying gaming principles in teaching.
January 2012 EdCampOCLA Gamification
Ideas for applying gaming principles to the classroom
Non Trite Conversations
How unconference events like #coffeecue and #EdCamp help teachers to have real conversations about education.
January 2012 California State University Fresno Google Documents
November 2011 Fresno County Office of Ed. Promethean in the Math Classroom
November 2011 Minarets High School iPad in Education
focus on math
October 2011 CUEtoYOU
@Campbell Hall High School
iPad in Education
Math and Computer Science specific focus
October 2011 CUEtoYOU Google Apps in Education
Google Apps training focusing on taking Apps test.
October 2011 Fresno County Office of Education: @Parlier Unified School District Promethean Training
October 2011 California State University Fresno, guest speaker CI100 iMovie
Creating subject specific videos using iMovie
September 2011 CVCUE Conference Visalia #Coffeecue
An introduction to what is #coffeecue.
Building Student Character
Help build intrinsic motivation in students by utilizing Class Dojo
Leadership Strategies & Motivation
Applying principles from gaming to the classroom. How to rethink grading and assignments to better motivate students.
August 2011 Fresno County Office of Education: @Parlier Unified School District Promethean Training
August 2011 CUE to You: @Campbell Hall High School Introduction to the iPad in Education
August 2011 Clovis High School, Reyburn Intermediate Illuminate Training
August 2011 California State University, Fresno New Teacher Tech Integration:
Using Twitter as your PLN;
Collaborating with Google Documents
August 2011 CUE Rockstar Tech Camp: Minarets Bringing your Google Site to SuperHero Status
SuperHero training: Creating a media rich curriculum resource for students in a wiki.
Telepathic Powers Not Required: Utilizing Collaborize Classroom to facilitate collaboration and discussion.
June 2011 Fresno County Office of Education Beginning Promethean Training
Beyond Basics: Promethean Training
June 2011 Clovis Unified Tech Bootcamp Illuminate Ed: Exciting teachers to utilize data in the classroom.
How to use a Wiki
Advanced Excel Training
Quia: Take your curriculum online with
June 2011 Illuminate Users Conference Why Data is Exciting to Teachers
May 2011 Clovis High School Intro to Illuminate
April 2011 CVCUE Conference Illuminate Ed: Why Data is Exciting to Teachers
November 2010 Central Valley Math Project: Math Tech Day Using the Promethean Board in the math classroom: Elementary Level
Using the Promethean Board in the math classroom: Secondary Level
April 2010 CVCUE Conference iPad: A discussion
Livescribe Pen: PenCasts
Quia: Easy to create online games and quizzes.
October 2010 CVCUE Conference Quia: Easy to create online games and quizzes.
2003 – 2010 Central Valley Computer Using Educators Fall and Spring Conferences Various presentations
2002 – 2010 Clovis Unified A variety of technology presentations including Google sites, Edusoft, Zangle, Promethean, Quia, and more.
November 2002 California League of High Schools Conference: Monterrey CA. Utilizing a Website in your Classroom

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