5 Tips for Google Classroom

5 Google Classroom Tips
5 Tips for Google Classroom
5 Google Classroom Tips

5 Tips for Using Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an online platform that allows you to interact with your students anytime, anywhere. If you do not have the Google Classroom mobile app for your phone I highly recommend! Here are 5 more tips for how to get more out of Google Classroom. If you want more Google Classroom tips check out my online workshops at alicekeeler.com/goslow.

1. Bookmark the Classwork Page

The Classwork page is where the action is! If you are frustrated that you keep landing on the Stream, try bookmarking in Chrome the Classwork page.
Bookmarks Bar in Chrome

  • For each class, go to the Classwork page.
  • In Chrome, click the star in the address bar and make sure it is saving it to the Bookmarks bar.
  • Tip, edit the name to be a single character (for 2nd period isn’t a 2 enough?!) or a single word. If you only have one Google Classroom no name is necessary.
  • Be sure that your Bookmark bar is visible in Chrome, you may need to go into the settings to turn it on.
  • Click on the icon in the Bookmark bar to quickly get to the Classwork page every time.

2. Hold Down the Control Key

When clicking on “View assignment” or other links in Google Classroom, hold down the Control key to open the link in a new tab. This way you will not lose your place on the Classwork page when viewing student work. I include this tip in my assignment directions.
Hold down the control key when clicking on View Assignment

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3. View a List of Individual Student Work

Click on the People tab and click on any student’s name to link to individual student view. (Tip, hold down Control when you do this.)
Click on student name from the people tab

Tip to also hold down the Control key when clicking on “View details” for a particular assignment for a student. This way you can review more than one of their assignments.
Individual Student View

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4. Rename Files in the Class Drive Folder

When you upload files to a Google Classroom assignment they actually are uploaded to Google Drive. Attach a screenshot in an assignment and it will end up in the Class Drive folder. Notice the Class Drive folder icon at the top right of the Classwork page. Click this and keep it open in a separate tab for easy access.
Class Drive Folder

When adding screenshots or other files to a Google Classroom assignment you possibly want to head over to the Class Drive folder and rename the file. The file name is what the students see attached in the assignment. A screenshot date is not very descriptive as to what the student will be looking at.

Press N

Single click on the file in Google Drive and use the keyboard shortcut N to rename the file (Just N!). Since there are no actual attachments in Google Classroom, only links, editing the name in Google Drive will automatically edit it in Google Classroom.

5. New Info at the Top

Notice when you go to a website or blog you see new content at the top. Out of sight is out of mind. Arrange your topics in Google Classroom in reverse order so students log in and the first thing they see is current content. You can drag full topics up and down the Classwork page. The older the content, the lower it goes.

2 thoughts on “5 Tips for Google Classroom

  1. great post Alice! These are great tips for classroom. I love using classroom for my Science and Art class but have yet to find a way to integrate it into my Math sections. Do you have any suggestions that would get me started?

    1. 🙂 Brad I have a book on this! Teaching Math with Google Apps. But remember it isn’t about how do I take what I’m already doing and slap it online, digital does not improve learning. You have to change what you’re doing to take advantage of how tech makes learning better!! If you haven’t already check out http://youcubed.org

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